Movie time

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Tini's pov


Tini: it's been a lot since I have been here

Jorge: a week? *sarcasm*

Tini: I used to come here everyday so don't judge

Jorge: no offence, so what do you wanna watch

Tini: the fault in out stars

(AN:guys who watched the film it's amazing I have the book as well)

Jorge: again romance

Tini:*stood up* do you want me to stay or not

Jorge: fine romance it is

Tini: always works

I took the laptop and searched for the movie till I found it

Tini: bingo!!

Jorge: you found it didn't you

Tini: yup come on

He came and we played the movie till it came at the end were Hazel found Gus in the car, I started crying my eyes out and Jorge is most probably asleep I turned off the movie and cuddled up into his chest and fell into deep sleep

Short chapter don't judge I have been updating the hole day!

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