France part 3

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Tini's pov

Finally last station in our tour FRANCE we had our concert and a day off for sightseeing we all agreed on going to Disneyland (P.S I went there guys it's amazing) it was cold so I put on a leather jacket, after I finished getting ready I heated a knock on the door I rushed there and opened it to see Jorge's face poping through the door

Tini: hey *kissed his cheek*

Jorge: hey

Then I realised that both of us were wearing a leather jacket

Tini: guess we look like a couple

Jorge: sure we do

Tini: come in let's go we don't wanna be late

Jorge: ya come on

Me and Jorge went out of the room and headed to the lobby were we decided to meet. Ruggero and Mechi were sitting in the couch with his hand around Mechi, Nico was sitting on the armchair looking at his phone probably playing candy crush and the others where chatting, after a quiet time Simon finally came out if his room and we headed to the bus me and Jorge took a seat for two people at the back and the rest sat with their couple and tried to do anything romantic, as usual Jorge took the seat next to the window and I on the other side it was a long drive so i decided to take a nap so that I can complete the Disneyland journey

Jorge's Pov

I was looking out the window and listening to music through my iPhone when I felt Tini's head dropping into my shoulder which grabbed my attention I turned my head to look at her then put my arm around her while she comforted herself in my chest I then decided to sleep too

~an hour later~

I was being hit in my head with a finger that woke me up I thought it was Tini but the disappointment happened it was Ruggero

Ruggero: wake up man it's time to go

Jorge: ok I'll be right behind you

I yawned and stretched then got out of the bus the driver told me to tell the rest that he'll be back at 9:00 so we better get done by that time

We went inside and there was a lot of elevators you know the once without the stairs, there was Mickey's picture everywhere the floor the doors even the toilets anyway we went to a huge Mickey's face picture on the floor and decided that this is our meeting point we then saw Mickeys and Minnie and took some pictures with them


After a really long day it was 8:45 so we said that we should go back to the bus we went to the bus and got back to the hotel and everyone fell into deep sleep

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