Drunk mechi

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Tini went up running to see Mechi

Tini: Mechi what are you doing here

Mechi: I..was...looking...for...you(drunk)

Tini: Mechi your drunk go home and we will talk tomorrow

Mechi: noooooooo I won't leave i have to talk to you

Tini: ok talk but make it fast I need to sleep

Mechi: I want to tell you that I really really really love Xabi

Tini: Mechi trust me I really know that you love him go to sleep now Cuze tomorrow we have a hard day

Mechi: ok violetta

Tini: violetta gosh Mechi have gone nuts

(Next morning) photo shoot

Simon: ok guys I want Jorge,Martina and Diego

Ok now Tini on the middle and Jorge and Diego two corners

The did what Simon said

Ok now Mechi and Martina back to back


After shooting pics Tini went running to Jorge

Tini: hey babe

Jorge: hey what's with all the running??!

Tini: you said last night that you have a surprise for me and we were interrupted by Mechi in the middle

Jorge: yaaaaaa right you never forget a thing do you

Tini: If I did forget a thing I won't be Marina !

Jorge: ok then I'll come pick you up at 6:00

Tini: ok then may I know where are we going??

Jorge: well you asked for the surprise so it'll be a surprise

Tini: I hate you !!!

Jorge: well I love you

Tini: Jorgeeeee I love you to my love

And with that Jorge kissed Tini's lips

And Jorge went for the rest of the shooting

Tini went to get ready for the date with Jorge

When she's ready only putting lipstick was lest to put someone opened the room door and Jorge came in

Jorge: hey babe*kissed her cheek*

Tini: hey so may I know where are we going

Jorge: and again it's a surprise

Tini: I love you know that *she raised her finger at him*

Jorge was about to bite her finger but she pulls it away

Next chapter is gonna be the "date" chapter

I'm in love *jortini*Where stories live. Discover now