Is he really a cheater??

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*The next day/ in the leisure room*

Tinis pov

Tini: hey guys

Mechi: hey Tini

Jorge wasn't there thee was only Mechi , Lodo , Cande , Ruggero and Facu

But I've realised that Macarena (Gery) wasn't there so I immediately went out and saw them talking Jorge and Macarena !!

I started eavesdropping on them

??:what are you doing ??!?

Tini: ahh Mechi you scared the hell out if me

Mechi: what are you doing anyway

Tini: I don't know I have a feeling that Jorge is cheating in me

Mechi: Jorge on you that's impossible I've never seen anyone loving someone as much as Jorge loves you but of course Xabi is the best I couldn't ask for better

Tini rolled her eyes

Tini: yah yah talking about Jorge now

Jorge hugged Macarena and went in his car

Tini: come on we have to go after him

We jumped into a taxi and told him to follow Jorge's black Volkswagen car

Jorge stopped his car next to a flower shop

Tini: see told you he's cheating on me he's buying flowers for Macarena I guess Violetta's life is the same as mine

Mechi: haha so funny Tini now keep quiet so we can listen

Tini: ok ok

Mechi: like what if he was buying these flowers to you ?!? Like couldn't that be possible

Tini: no Jorge won't give me flowers because we had a date last night and we gave me flowers then

Mechi: quick move he's going

He went into his car and we jumped into a taxi again

(In the taxi)

Mechi: you know what I'll stop cuze getting in all these taxi's are making me pay a lot and I won't loose my money to eavesdrop in your boyfriend

Tini: wow thanks for the complements really helped

Jorge stops again and went back to the shooting studio

Tini: wait I told Jorge that I'll be shooting for Violetta he knew I must be in he can't know that we were eavesdropping on him

Mechi: then come on from the back door

Tini: ok hurry up

Tini and Mechi went inside the shooting studio and Jorge saw Tini and he ran to her

Jorge: hey babe

Tini: hey (catching her breath and annoyed at the same time)

Jorge: what's wrong what's with the breath

Tini: oh it's just that me and Mechi...where umm...playing

Jorge: playing??! Playing what??

Tini: umm.....hide and seak

Jorge: you and Mechi were playing hide and seak in the shooting studio

Tini: well ya and you know what I shouldn't be talking to a cheater!!!

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