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Jorge's pov

We started heading to the airport me and Tini went by my car while the other went by the bus, we got out of the car and took our luggage out of the car bag

Worker: may I help you

Jorge: ya I just want a trolley

Worker: right away

He went and came back with the trolley I put Tini's bags on them and I just pulled mine since I have only one bag but for Tini she had like a million, she pushed her trolley and I pulled my bags

Tini: I'm gonna miss Buenos Aires

Jorge: come on look at the bright side of things you get to see my home place (AN: if you didn't know he is Mexican)

Tini: I'm gonna see you hole family, do you promise

Jorge: I'm gonna tell you about it at the plane

Tini let go of her trolley and Diego came and by accident hit her trolley which caused for the trolley to hit Mechi which was at the edge of the stairs (AN:Violetta 3 episode 3 when Ludmilla fell on the stairs LOL)

Tini ran to the stairs and said: MECHI!!!!

I know really short sorry

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