Asking out

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~next day~

Tini's pov

It's 3:00 and Jorge didn't come to visit me maybe he's mad that I told him that Peter is my boyfriend, I geared the door open then closed and peter came from it

Peter: hey how ya doin

Tini: I'm great thanks

Peter: I wanted to ask you something

Tini:*held his hand* you know you can tell me anything peter

Peter: well how about....after you get out of the hospital of course go out sometime

Tini: as.....a date??

Peter: you can name it as you wish if you see it as a date

I just nodded

Peter: cool....ill pick you up when your out of the hospital

Tini:sure I'm gonna go out tomorrow

Peter: then after tomorrow it is

He left the room and I sat there with butterflies in my stomach then I heard the door open and close again but this time it Jorge I acted as if I was asleep to know what he's gonna say, do and react

He came and sat at the chair that Peter say on before him

Jorge: I know how I reacted yesterday was a bad thing but I just couldn't sand seeing you with another person saying that he's cute and you love him I can't stand me not being called the one you love plus I lied......i lied when you said that we can be friends and I agreed on it it's all my fault I'm sorry for loosing you

He let go of my hand and all I felt is his beautiful soft lips touching mine and I was stupid and kissed him back

After he let go I opened my eyes

Jorge: hey I saw you asleep I didn't want to wake you up I can't resist not kissing you I felt that you needed it

Tini: thanks jorge I really needed that

Jorge: I missed y- I-I I mean Violetta's cast missed you

Tini: ya I missed them too

Jorge: Tini I wanted to say that-

Tini: Jorge I heard every single word you said

Jorge: oh well that's embracing

Tini: I know that you love me but.....move on

Jorge: right......can I at least get a last hug

Tini: ya sure it's ok I hug Facu all the time

We hugged really tightly and when we letted go I stared into his eyes and felt a magnet pulling me to his lips we both stared leaning in and his lips touched mine we kissed for a quiet long time

????: what is happening here

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