Today is the day

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Tini's pov

Okay well today is the day I have my date with peter what if I said something wrong and he stopes having interests in me I was cut off by the doorbell ringing I rushed to it and opened the door knowing it's Lodo and the girls

Lodo:hey*hugged me* so ready for your date

Tini:*hugged her back* ya kinda afraid but it's gonna be cool

Mechi:hey girl *hugged me* anyway tell me about that peter guy first of all is he hot

Tini:*hugged back*haha ya defiantly hot or else I wouldn't looked at him

Lodo: Cande isn't gonna come she's having shooting today

Tini: oh man shooting I totally forgot about that I should gone today

Mechi:never mind about that today is your day girl

~in my room~

Tini: okay what should I wear dress or skirt and skirts


Tini: okay well red or black

Mechi: red

Lodo: black

Tini: well I guess non

Mechi: I think you should wear a pink skirt and a skinny cut body

Lodo: ya I agree

Tini: no what about the shoes

Lodo: wear your light brown heeled boot

Tini: nice I like that

Mechi:ya me too come on get your butt to that bathroom and get ready

I went to the bathroom I showered and got out I took the dress and wore it and got out of the bathroom

Mechi: come on drop down here let us get you looking perfect

Lodo: let me do the make up settle down

Tini: well....okay I'm really freaking out inside me right now you know

Mechi: awwww how cute

Lodo: ya anyway COME ON!!

They did my hair and makeup and I looked perfect .just then the doorbell rang I ran into the door and opened it and saw Peter leaning against the door frame

Peter: look....WOW....what should I say your breathtaking

Tini:thanks Peter you look great too

Peter: do shall we ma lady

Tini: ya sure

We went into his car and he drove to a fancy restaurant which had a beautiful view on the park

Tini: wow so......fancy

Peter: so you don't like it you know we may-

Tini: thanks peter I love it

Peter: I love you

I tried to say that I live him back but I wanted him to that I'm still not into him plus I can't say "I love you" to anyone except Jorge

Tini: okay so we should sit

Peter: ya sure come on

Peter's pov

I can't get Tini does she feels the same or doesn't she need to give me a sign or I think I should make a move on her, ya if she didn't make any kind of reaction I'm gonna make ma move

After we finished eating we went and walked on the beach and we couldn't believe what we saw in front of our eyes

Tini's pov

I saw JORGE and STEPHIE walking hand in hand on the same beach we were going on I have that feeling inside me that burns when he touches some others girls hand I want him to hold me and only me is that jealousy I feel? I walked to him and stopped in front if him

Tini: what is going in here??

Jorge: I was gonna ask the same

I started clenching my fist

Tini: answer MY question first Jorge

Stephie: isn't it obvious Marti we are going on a date and you are interrupting us

Tini: well first my name is MARTINA*facing Stephie* and second I knew that there was something that you hid from me Jorge*facing Jorge*

Jorge: sorry Martina but we gotta go

Tini: well ya I have to go too with my DATE

Jorge: well good luck with it and have a happy date


Jorge: what day...


Stephie: we better get going Jorge *pulling Jorge away while he tried to talk to me but he couldn't because I already left in Peters hand around me

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