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Tini's pov

~the day after the party~

I woke up by the sound of snoring I turned to my side and saw Jorge next to me and his snoring was pretty high, I scrawled nearer to him and lightly kissed his lip coursing him to wake up I got up and sat on the bed I had a really painful hangover Jorge woke up and tickled me actually he just putted his hands on my stomach that made me chuckle

Jorge: good morning my love

Tini: morning babe

Jorge: what's wrong

Tini: hangover!! It's stupid how this feels

Jorge: first time is it

Tini: and hopefully the last

Jorge:did you pack your things for the tour today

Tini: ya I'm gonna miss sleeping next to you

Jorge: gonna miss you too babe*pecked my lips*

Tini:you better get up

Jorge: do we have to I'm all good here

Tini: where would you like to be in bed or in tour

Jorge:is both an option

Tini: nop, Jorge get up before I loose my mind

Jorge: hey I'm having hangovers too

Tini: I'm gonna go get cleaned up a little

Jorge: fine get up then

I got up and went to the bathroom showered/dressed/makeup/hair and got out Jorge was wearing a beige jeans and a blue shirt

Jorge: hey beautiful

Tini: hey handsome

Jorge: still feeling pain

Tini: just a bit better

Jorge: well come on where is your bags

Tini: oh they are at my house I packed them with the girls

Jorge: ya never mind we can get them on the way

Tini: thanks Jorge

Jorge: for what my love

Tini: everything babe I love you

Jorge: welcome babe

Me and Jorge went to the car and he drove to my apartment, I went to my room and got the luggage then got back to Jorge's car

Jorge: ready for this

Tini: yes I am ready

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