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(AN: I decided to make the hole frozen journey in on chapter so you guys are lucky it's gonna be a long one)

Tini's pov

Today is the day I'm going I have a really sad and upset side but I'm trying to find my good one, anyway I was in the car waiting for the driver to park in front of the set

Driver: you can get off now mam

Tini: thank you *and gave him a buck*

I went inside and saw Charlie(Charlie is the one who takes responsibility of recording like the recording director)

Tini: CHARLIE!! OVER HERE*waving my hand in the air*

Charlie: oh hey Tini *hugged me*

Tini: hey so tell me the news

Charlie: well today you will just go to your hotel since you need to rest and the next day you need to records the sing then the day after that you'll do the video all clear

Tini:crystal Simon told me about you

Charlie: oh really what did he say *getting exited*

Tini: he just said that your a pretty good manager

Charlie: oh that's it

Tini: I guess?

Charlie is Simon's ex they used to date at their childhood when they were between 16-17 but they broke up because everyone have to go their own ways and now look at the both successful I know. I went to the car once again and the driver drove me to the hotel I got out of the car and went inside to the hotels lobby

Receptionist: hi mam how may I help you

Tini: hi umm I have a received room for Martina Stoessel booked by Charlie Florizel

Receptionist: oh ya here it is yes room 249 3rd floor

Tini: appreciate it

I took my bag and went to the elevator I got into it and told the man my floor number, while he pressed the floor button I took of my phone and dialled Jorge's number.....i went out of the elevator and his phone is still ringing then I just hung up and said to myself "he may be busy or shooting I'll just call him later" I went to my room and sat on the bed I felt kind of board when my phone started to ring I took it and put it in front of my eyes to see Jorge's picture forming on the screen I clocked the green button which had a phone picture on it and put the phone near by my ear

~phone conversation~

Tini: hey Jorge

Jorge: hey how are you catching up all the fame thing

Tini: it's boring to be all alone in here and I'm still not famous though

Jorge: well I have something that can brighten your mind up

Tini: carry on

Jorge: I booked for us an interview


Jorge:love you too now I better get going before Simon kicks me out

Tini: ya sure I'll miss you

Jorge: I'll miss you too bye

Tini: bye

~end phone conversation~

It's 10:00 so I decided to sleep since I got a big day head of me..

I smashed my head on my pillow and thought of all the things that can happen after all this.. after all the thinking I drifted into deeeep sleeeep

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