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Jorge's pov

I wish that I didn't make Tini feel uncomfortable I have a plan in my head that I AM GONNA PROPOSE! I know right the moment the hole set have been waiting for I am planing a perfect night out me and her but she'll know about it later, Facu Cande and Lodo helped me plan this whole thing and I'm pretty sure that Facu is gonna propose to Cande soon but I wanna make my move first I went and met up with them

Jorge: so hey guys

Facu: hey we have planned everything it just needs you and Tini and.....thats it I guess

Jorge:thanks man I really appreciate you guys doing all this to us

Lodo: we all did that for Tini's sakes right guys

All: sure

Jorge: Facu can I talk to you for a second

Facu: sure man

Me and Facu went to a corner and started talking

Jorge: so when are you gonna make your move you don't want to let the lady go do you *nudging him*

Facu:ya ya let's see if yours is gonna work first

Jorge: it obviously will

Cande: love I'm gonna go home I'll meet you there

Facu: ok love I'll meet you there

Cande kissed Facu goodbye and left

Jorge: well I better go to to see Tini don't want her to forget about me

Facu: ya you better do

I went to Tini's house and knocked on her door, seconds later she opened it

Tini: hey Jorge *hugged me*

Jorge: hey so get ready tomorrow I'm gonna come and pick you up at 5:00 you better be ready

Tini: I always am and by the way were are we going

Jorge: it's a surprise

Tini: ohhh Jorge you know-

Jorge: yes yes I know that you don't like surprises it's...just trust me I'm sore you'll like this one

Tini: okay

Jorge: aren't you gonna invite me in

Tini: oh my sorry I forgot sure get in

I stepped into her apartment

Jorge: it's been a long time since I have been here

Tini: two or three months I guess

Jorge: I guess

Tini: i missed you

Jorge: i missed you too

Tini: so surprise

Jorge: never Tini never


Guys I need your help I can't find a nice romantic date for Tini and Jorge help me out!!

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