Meeting his parents

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Tini's pov

Jorge knocked on the door and looked at me

Jorge: remember what I did and above all I love you

Tini: I love you too

He held my waist and pulled me closer to him when the door opened

Alex(his father): welcome back son*hugging Jorge and completely ignoring me*

Jorge: dad I missed you so much I have someone to introduce you to*he looked me*

Tini: hi sir I'm Martina Stoessel Jorge's co-worker and his girlfriend*i have him my hand to shake but he never did so I just pulled it back*

Alex: from where are you?

Tini: I'm from Argentina Buenos Aires sir

Alex: I always thought you'd be with someone Mexican*facing Jorge*

Jorge: sorry dad it's love no one can question it

Alex: theres no such thing as love

Jorge: I'm not here to make problems just to catch up where are the rest Emma and mom

Alex: Emma is out with her boyfriend and your mom is in the kitchen making some food

Jorge: I'll go surprise her

We got into the house it was all white and beige coloured it had amazing sense of style

Tini: I love your house sir

He didn't answer know I know what Jorge meant

Alex: when did you and Jorge started dating*finally braking the silence*

Tini: I think we broke up and we got back together in a month

Alex: how long have you known him

Tini: I think two years since we started Violetta

Alex: who the heck is Violetta

Tini: well Violetta is a TV show which me and Jorge and the rest of the cast are working in

Alex: so your actors

Tini: yes sir

Alex: your the one who spoiled my son

Tini: wait what?!?

Alex: if you and Jorge didn't date then he would come back after that vinetto thing end

Tini: sorry sir but Jorge is doing his passion and I dont think that he would like to quiet acting

Alex: and since-

Marie: hi you must be Martina, Jorge told me about you a lot in the phone all the time he used to tell me how much he loves you

Tini: thanks mam and you can call me Tini it's what everyone call me

Alex: you and Jorge used to talk on the phone and you never told me

Marie: well talk about that later babe

Alex: fine

Marie: Tini please don't call me mam it makes me feel old just call me Marie okay honey

Tini: sure ma- I mean Marie

Marie: now I want to catch up with my little son*squeezing his cheeks*

Jorge: not the cheeks please

Marie: so tell me about everything going on in your life sweetie

Jorge told her about how we met and everything that happened between us I can see in Marie's eyes that she missed her little son a lot

Marie: Tini promise me you'll take care of my little baby

Jorge: MOM!!

Tini: don't worry Marie I'll take care of your little baby


Tini: aww little Jorgie is mad you can't believe how cute you look when your angry

Jorge: I'm begging stop embracing me

Then the door opens and a girl with light brown long curly hair with black clothes and a ripped skinny black jeans she looked like a bad girl to me

?: JORGE!!*hugged him tightly and he spin a her around*

Jorge: Emma I missed you so much what have you done to yourself

Emma: guess what I'm a bad girl what do you think about my new style bro

Jorge: it's.....great ya

Emma: well at least I'm not living in the 90's like you bro

Marie: watch your language girl we have a guest*pointing at me*

Emma: and who are you!?!*looks at me disgustingly

Tini: I'm Martina Jorge's girlfriend

Emma: I can't believe he chose you to be his girlfriend, sorry bro but you have a terrible sense of choosing girlfriends

Tini:ummm....thank you

Emma: that was no compliment

Tini: okay I like your sense if style*trying to change the subject*

Emma: I wish I can say the same to you

Finally Jorge came back

Jorge: please Emma can I talk to you for a second in the kitchen

Emma: my pleasure

Jorge's pov

Jorge: Emma what on earth are you doing

Emma: what's wrong I'm telling your "girlfriend" how beautiful she is *sarcasm*

Jorge: cut the attitude okay


Jorge: now go and apologise to her

Emma: what's wrong Jorge I'm not five, I'm not a kid anymore

Jorge: that doesn't mean that you can disrespect other peoples

Emma: I'll just say it once and no more I DONT LIKE HER JORGE THERES SOMETHING WRONG WITH HER

Jorge: I'm out of here

I went back to Tini and I can see that she and mom are bonding really well I sat next to her on the couch

Jorge: so what do you think of her mom

Marie: she is perfectly perfect in every single thing she does

Tini: thank you Marie I really appreciate you telling me these words I couldn't be more grateful

I couldn't be more grateful that Tini made a good picture out there

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