Back together

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~When the girls were sitting at their table~

Tini: see guys told you it's fun in here

Mechi: oh thanks a lot Tini your the best seriously

Tini: ya I know well let's just have some fun okay

Lodo:ummm Tini I think your gonna be the first

Tini: what why

Lodo: because of him

She pointed on a guy on the other side of the club checking Tini out

The guy: hey I'm Mark would you like to dance a bit

Tini: no no sorry maybe another time

Mark: come on give it a try

Cande: Tini why did you tell Mark that your taken while your not ??

Tini: I have someone else in my mind and I was planing to get the guy I actually love

Mechi: ohhhhh Tini you know I won't sleep unless you tell me

Tini: well you'll find out when I get him

She said while looking at the door and seeing Jorge and the guys approaching there

Lodo spotted Tini looking at Jorge and she knew that Jorge was the y she was talking about

Tini: I'll just go get a drink

Meanwhile with the guys

Jorge got out of the car

Xabi: thanks man for doing this to me I really don't know what I would've done without you thanks a lot

Jorge: actually you'd still be crying all over Mechi and we wouldn't be here

Facu: ya man you can't ever trust a girl

Rugg: said the guy who's dating Cande

Facu: well Cande is perfection itself

All the time Jorge was staring at Tini who was having a drink just then he went to her

Jorge: hey Tini

Tini: oh hey Jorge didn't know you come to such places

Jorge: well I came to cheer Xabi up

Tini: oh shit I came here to cheer Mechi up if they saw each other they may fight and spoil the night out

Jorge: come on then what are we waiting for

Then Tini and Jorge went to a room and saw Mechi and Xabi making out Tini smiled while Jorge put his hand around Tini she felt happy because she kinda like Jorge and she was apparently sure that Jorge feel the same way about it

Jorge and Tini went out of the room and left Mechi and Xabi take their time

Jorge: guess we did a pretty good job

Tini: ya guess so

Jorge held Tinis hand

Jorge: Tini I need to tell you something

Tini: ya you can tell me anything

Jorge: I really like you Tini and I was wondering of you'd like to be my girlfriend ??

Tini didn't reply and kissed him they had a long passionate kiss

Jorge: I'll take that as a yes then

Tini nodded and kissed him again this time it was more passionate and even longer

I'm in love *jortini*Where stories live. Discover now