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Tini's pov next morning

I was asleep next to Jorge the whole night I woke up before he does and I kept staring at the fact that he's super hot with his perfect/imperfect hair which is untidy with a perfect style

Jorge: you do realise that staring is a bit weird

Tini:was I speaking out loud?!

Jorge: I can see that you are looking at me with your perfect wide loveable eyes, even dead people would get up to see these eyes which is perfection

I just can't help but blush suddenly Jorge's face turned bright red

Jorge: was I talking out loud??

Tini: I said the same thing*laughing*

Jorge: well we better get going or else were gonna get fired

Tini: ya let's go

We got out of bed I went into the bathroom took a shower while Jorge did the same in the guest's room's shower when I got out I took a crop-top with a skinny black jeans curled my hair and wore my black high heeled boots I put in some light make-up and a pretty pink lipstick ((water proof)) then Jorge came in wearing a white shirt with a black hoodie and a dark blue jeans he looked pretty hot+cute=perfection

Jorge: hey looking pretty

Tini: looking handsome

Jorge: so shall we ma lady

Tini: we shall my love

Life just can't get better when we got out of the apartment interviewers were surrounded all around us and all we can see is the flash cameras in our faces

Jorge held my hand and we made our way to his car with all the people asking question but one question rung my ear

Interviewer: are you cheating on Peter?

This question got me hurted because I never asked myself this question, no I'm not cheating in him he had an affair with Stephie P.S Jorge's ex girlfriend so ya I broke up with him and that's that right

Jorge: Tini hello Tini*snapping his fingers*

Tini: ya babe

Jorge: what are you thinking?

Tini: I don't know

Jorge: anyway let's go we're there

Jorge and I went inside and got greeted by a beautiful voice of Simon saying to hurry up for shooting the last episode(scarestic)

Simon: Jorge may I talk to you alone

Jorge: ya sure*facing me* I'll be there in a sec

Tini: ok take your time

Jorge's pov

Simon: Jorge I need to tell you something really important

Jorge: ok go on

Simon: you and Martina can't date anymore

I'm in love *jortini*Where stories live. Discover now