Big news

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~A week later~

Jorge's pov

We were finally home as much as I enjoyed this trip, it was BREATH TAKING anyways we had good news which is Tini is gonna move in to my apartment since we are a thing and ya Tini said that she had another exiting news for me but she had to ask Simon something first I can't wait to know though I went to Ruggero just to hangout with him for a bit we haven't hung out since like....forever

*knock knock*

Rugg: ITS OPEN!!

Jorge:*entered the room* hey Rugg

Rugg: hey Jorge what's up

Jorge: good Tini's moving in with me

Rugg: whoo pause the newsfeed Tini's moving with you

Jorge: ya is there a problem with that

Rugg: well sure there is paparazzi's will think that you guys are having an affair

Jorge: WHAT!! No don't they know that we're together

Rugg: well you what the truth you never said anything about it

Jorge: you know what me and Tini are going to an YouMix and telling everything to them I will talk to Simon

Rugg: good luck man

Tini's pov

I was searching for Simon we suddenly vanished from the set, he's no where to be found I went to his office and didn't find him where could he be?? I went out of set and found him on the floor searching through his phone

Tini: hey Simon

Simon: hey Tini what's up

Tini: I just wanted to ask you since that the tour have ended how long will be the time to start shooting for Violetta 3

Simon: about 3 months may I ask why??

Tini: ya sure because you heard about the frozen movie right

Simon: get to the point Tini

Tini: well I kinda got offered to be the voice of the lead role, Elsa (true story guys Tini was the voice who sand Libre Soy or Let It Go but in Argentinian)

Simon: well if it takes between three four month than I suggest you to stay clear

Tini: no it's Finn take like a month

Simon: then I'm cool about it

Tini: thanks Simon

Now there is one more step left finding Jorge and telling him about the deal I decide just to call him after three rings he answered

~phone conversation~

Jorge: hello Tini

Tini: hey babe where are you I need to tell you something really important meet me at your apartment

Jorge: okay babe I'll be right there

~end phone conversation~

I went to his home and knocked at the door he opened it and have me a kiss on the cheeks

Jorge: hey come in

Tini: hey you so

Jorge: so what's the big news*rubbing his hands together*

Tini: well here it goes......

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