Little secrete

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Tini's pov

Jorge: of courses Tini I won't leave your side even if the whole world doesn't like it....i love you and I won't give up on you....not now not after what's between us

I can't help but rap my arms around his neck

Tini: what do we do then*not letting go*

Jorge:*letted go* it will be a secrete.....our little secrete

Tini:I love you Jorge...i love you a lot..more than you'll ever imagine

Jorge: I love you too babe but remember after we go our separate ways act like your hurt and try not to put that beautiful smile on your face

Tini: stop Jorge or else that smile will turn out as a blu-

Jorge interrupted me by a beautiful kiss but then I realised that I had to pull away

Jorge: well that wasn't enough for me

Tini: no as we said we broke up so no one knows we are still together get that

Jorge: ya sure so shall we my lady

Tini: we shall

And we went to shoot the rest of our final scenes

Again sorry for a short chapter

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