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Emma's pov

I have never thought that Jorge will come back and have a girlfriend like even if I thought that he's gonna come back I thought that he's gonna come with a strong Mexican girl not a poor Argentinian actress and plus I think that Pablo won't like her though(Pablo Espinosa is Emma's boyfriend P.S Tomas in violetta)

Tini's pov

Me and Marie have been going on too well since the time Alex got into his office there was no trouble suddenly the door bell started ringing something like.....three times, Emma ran to the door and opened it

Emma: hey babe!

I couldn't see his face but when I did I WAS IN A SHOCK!!!! I talked before he did

Tini: PABLO!!

Pablo: Tini!! How are you still beautiful I can tell

Tini: oh Pablo you never change do you

Peter: so you and Jorge dating didn't know that Violetta's life became real

Tini: what do you mean

Pablo: I mean like Ruggero and Mechi they both also date at the show and....umm Cande and Facu they had some shots in Violetta 2 right

Tini: never forget a thing do you

Pablo: never did never will

Jorge's pov

I was sitting next to Tini when Pablo came she went and hugged him tightly and totally forgot to mention me and even Pablo totally ignored me how many girls does this man date like first Mechi before he get kicked out and then my sister and now trying to impress my girlfriend

Pablo: hey Jorge didn't see you there

Jorge: hey long time no see

Pablo: I was thinking we can take you out sometime

Jorge: we would love that

Pablo: well....ummm that's awkward....i was talking to Tini

Jorge: oh ya so your telling me that you want to take MY girlfriend out without HER boyfriend behind her back well forget that big man never gonna happen

Tini tried to pull me back with her hand so that I won't punch Pablo

Pablo: I just better get going, come on Emma

Emma: come on bayb

Jorge: what the.. Emma are you just gonna go out with him

Emma: give me one resin to not

Jorge: he was flirting with Tini

Emma: well tell your Tini to stop showing off her body*and went out of the house*

Tini: I think we better get going we have to practice and pack and a lot of things we have to do

Jorge: ya come on mom give me a hug

I hugged my mom and kissed her two cheeks and went with Tini


Sorry I didn't update for a lot of time guys I had problems in school but it's all now solved out please vote and comment guys love you

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