Where are you ??

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Jorge's pov

I'm kinda jealous that Tini and Ruggero were going on so well and talking and laughing and these things I don't want to loose Tini not again not ever

Tini: so babe what's the surprise you wanted to tell me ??

Jorge: well you better not freak out I-

Tini: wait wait is it good news or bad ones??

Jorge: listen and you'll know


Jorge: so here it goes I went to Simon today and asked him what if we'll have another season of Violetta


Jorge: yah so like the surprise!!

Tini: duhh love it!!

Jorge: ok so babe I gotta go to records

Tini: you'll do

I went off to to record my new song and Tini went to Simon to ask him

Tini's pov

I went to ask to Simon if

I can see Jorge's recording but he refused he said that Jorge needs to concentrate

I agreed and went to catch up with Ruggero

Oh well he's gone I'm gonna go home and rest a little. I didn't text Jorge since that he'll be busy recording the new song so I just decided to use a cab

I got out if the recording studio and raised my hand for a cab to come

Tini: Buenos Aires street please

Cab driver: right away

When I got home I check my phone I got 5 missed calls from Jorge oh shit I forgot to call him

(OTP (on the phone))

Jorge: Martina where are you?

Tini: calm down Jorge I'm at home

Jorge: why didn't you tell me that you are going home

Tini: Jorge first of all I told you to calm down

Jorge: ok I'm calm so talk(a lot more calmer)

Tini: I wanted to call you but I knew that you were busy and I didn't want to interrupt you

Jorge: Tini you got me crazy I thought something happened to you do you relies how much I'm freaking out here

Tini:Jorge man up

Jorge: I'm coming to your place I'll be there in a min

Tini: ok love you babe

Jorge: love you too

Tini: bye

Jorge: bye

And we hung up

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