What happened last night??

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Jorge's pov

Tini and I felt asleep together this night I felt her pulling herself away and getting up

Tini: Good morning I can see that your up

Jorge:morning to you too and ya I can't stop staring at you asleep

Tini: ya how did I come here anyway

Jorge: you slept on my arms and I carried you here

Tini:...well thanks

Jorge: for carrying you

Tini: ya...thanks nothing happened right

Jorge: trust me I respect you and nothing ever happened

Tini: well I trust you and besides who know what may happen between us in a few years

Jorge:then if I told you that if I proposed next year you'll say yes

Tini: your kidding right

Jorge: of course I am I'll wait until your ready

Tini: thanks for understanding babe your the best *i gave him a peck*

Jorge: well that wasn't long

Tini: that's all you got for now you better not get drifted away

Jorge: well I know how to balance

Tini: not with me as you said you can't resist

Jorge: well okay get up

Tini:I'm up!!

We got up changes are breakfast and when to the studio

Tini went to all the girls and I kissed on the cheek and said goodbye and went to the boys

Rugg: so what happened between you and Tini last night

Jorge: well how about we made out and she's pregnant!!*sarcasm*


Nico:like what do you mean she's pregnant

Facu: she can't work if she is

Samuel:and Violetta will be full of rumours about all the couples

I brust out into laughter

All: what know

Jorge: I can't believe you guys fell for it I respect Tini and won't do such a thing until we're married

Facu: oh you crazy man got me worried

Rugg: I knew that he was joking

Jorge: ya sure you did *knowing that he didn't know a thing*

Rugg: well ya I did

And we went to shoot our scene

-girls Tinis pov-

Cande: soooo what happened lat night

Tini: well I slept with him


TINI: noooo not with him I mean like next to him got it

All: ohhh

Lodo: oh Tini you are crazy woman

Tini: well you better know

And they amwentbto get some coffee

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