Surprises and ruggero

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Thanks for all your voting and viewings means loads to me !!

So here it goes

(Next day)

-Tini's pov-

Me and Jorge went gem great even though I'm really sad that Violetta 2 is coming to an end we will have to go to our separate ways and the worst thing is that Jorge may go to another show and we may get separated just like Jorge and Stephie or me and Peter lets just look at the bright side of things right now

I got out of the house and went to the recording studio to record the last episode's songs

Jorge: hey bebe you seem a bit sad!?

Tini: ya just a bit because you know the end of Violetta and who knows what may happen after that, what's gonna happen to us

Jorge: just stay here one second I'll be right back

Tini: okay(sigh)

Jorge went running off to Simon

-Jorge's pov-

I ran as fast as I can to Simon as soon as I got the best idea in the world about Violetta it will make Tini happy the guys happy and Violetta is going to continue

Jorge: Simon Simon Simon

Simon: woooo calm down and catch your breath than tell me

I took a deep breathe and started talking

Jorge: I was thinking if we could make another season of Violetta like Violetta 3 and it's gonna make everyone happy what do you say

Simon: pretty good idea nice thinking Jorge I'll think about it now go record "salta" before getting late come on

Jorge: a-a- thank you Simon your the best!!

I ran off and started singing in the recording room waiting for the others to come when they came I didn't want to tell them the surprise(which is Violetta 3) because fist I want Simon to say it and second if I'll tell anyone Tini must me the

-Tini's pov-

I was recording the solo for my song in the final episode "soy mi mejor momento"

After I finish I heard clapping behind me I saw Ruggero there I haven't seen him a long time ago he's Jorge's best friend so were kinda near too

Tini: RUGGERO!!(hug him)

Jorge came in and we separated from our hug

Tini: hey babe!(kissed his cheek)

Jorge: hey

I can see that he's a bit mad or jealous about that hug which I have to Rugg

Rugg: so Tini how is everything going in your life

Tini: besides the near end of Violetta I'm all good

Rugg: that'd great wish I could act with you though

Tini: wish the same too, so Jorge did you meet Ruggero (facing Jorge)

Jorge: ya the last time I saw him was last month, Tini can I talk to you.......(look at Ruggero) in privet

Ruggero: oh so that's the definition of kicking me out! Thank you really appreciate it

Tini: oh come on don't be a drama queen

Ruggero:excuse me!!! I'm a DARAMA KING NOT QUEEN how dare you

Jorge: quit the act I wanna talk to my girlfriend in privet I didn't mean to hurt you anyway

Rugg: ya I'll just wait outside for you

Tini: thanks

(Ruggero left the room )

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