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Jorge and Martina headed to a romantic restaurant and sat down on their booked table

Narrator pov

Tini: wow Jorge this place is amazing

Jorge: of course the best is for the best

A waitress came to them

Waitress: may I say you extremely handsome sir

Jorge: well I try my best to get her attention

Tini: haha (fake laugh)

Waitress: well if I was in your place miss I would never let him go (looks at Jorge with loveable eyes)

Tini: hmmm (fake coughs)like are we gonna order or what?!?

Waitress: yah yah sure what would you like to have

Jorge: I would like to have a margarita pizza and a beer

Tini: I would like to have a penne macaroni with white souse and red wine please

Waitress: coming right away

(While she was going Tini notices that she winked at Jorge which made her really jalousie and she hit the table with her hand really hard)

Jorge: hey what's up babe?!?

Tini: what's up you don't know what's up yah the waitress flirting with you and your girlfriend is dam sitting right here what am I to huh COW!!

Jorge: well first of all don't call yourself a cow cuze if you were you'd be the prettiest in the shed and second you have a extremely hot looking boyfriend so it's quit easy to fall in love with me and third your the only one I loved and love and will live till the end of my life !

Tini can't resist but kiss him and she did

Jorge: so jealous much ??

Tini: this girl just stood on my nerve I can't stand here and look at a girl wich is flirting with you I get jealous

The food came and they finished eating , paid the bill and got into the car

I'm in love *jortini*Where stories live. Discover now