Getting ready

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Violetta and Leon are sitting on the bench and they were gonna kiss when her phone rang in the middle

Leon: don't answer it

Violetta: I have to, it may be important

Director: CUT!!!

Jorge: you did really good

Tini: thanks you was pretty good too I have to go to Mechi we are going out with the girls today

Jorge: oh really I'm going out with the guys too

Tini: cool don't want to hold you back so I better go now bye

Jorge: bye

Tini went to Mechi which was in her room getting ready

Tini: I can see that your ready already

Mechi: ya I'm really exited for today

Tini: then you have to wait for me to get ready as well

Mechi: well you better start fast or else I will go and leave you all alone

Tini chose a tight pink short dress and wore it and put on her light make up

Mechi: ohhhh Tini looking hot for something

Tini: actually ya for Lodo and Cande (sarcasm)

Mechi: oh ya I see

Tini: come on let's go

They headed to Lodo and Cande's room

Knock Knock

Lodo: open up!!

Tini opened the door

Tini&Mechi: hey girls

Lodo&Cande: hello

Tini: so ready

Lodo: ya right away

They all went to the car and Lodo drove them there since she's the oldest

Meanwhile with the guys:

Jorge: come on Xabi we better hurry

Facu: ya man your not going on a date or something

Xabi: hahah so funny Facu

Jorge: come on let's go

They got onto the car and jorge drove since he is the oldest

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