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Tini's pov

I have been lost in my mind I don't know what to do there's no much time and I can't find my swimming suite I went to my room and searched the drawers and I finally found it, I sped into the bathroom took a bath put my makeup wore my bikini and slipped my ballerina in my foot I went out side and took the bag I put the sunblock, towel, shampoo, hairbrush, my brand new dress it was white with spots in it and everything we need to go to the beach after I finished I heard the doorbell ringing finally Jorge came I sped to the door and opened it


Tini: like it

Jorge: I-I love it

Tini:...shall we

Jorge: ya ya we sure shall

Me and Jorge went to the beach and I started taking off my dress I saw Jorge looking at me

Tini: stop looking at me it's.....sccary!!

Jorge: you look stunning you know


Jorge: well I better stop complementing you other wise you'll be a tomato

Tini: you better

Me and Jorge held hands and went to the pool

Jorge: yyy water is cold *shivering*

Tini: come on don't be a pu---

Jorge: take that back for the best

Tini: what if I didn't take it

Jorge: then you'll have to deal with this

He started splashing water on me then Jorge started pulling my foot and drawled me underwater

Jorge: I told you I will get you one day

Tini: Jorge you could've killed me

Jorge: s-sorry Tini I didn't mean to

Tini:...... Ahhahahahahah you should've seen your face Jorge you were really scared omg

Jorge: *puts on an annoyed face and looks away*

Tini: come on don't don't play the same game on me

Jorge: don't worry you got me anyway

Tini: I know I did

Jorge: come on we better go get changed

Tini: ok

We went out of the pool I took my bag and went to the toilet took a bath and got dressed nicely then got out and put my headphones on and started listening to music, few minutes later I felt someone's hand tickling my stomach I was terrified I turned around immediately to see Jorge's smirk face

Tini: oh Jorge you scared the heck out of me*putting her hand in her chest*

Jorge: oh you should've seen your face

Tini: quite it

Jorge: fine *getting calmer* so would you give me the honour of taking you to dinner

Tini: honour is all mine

We walked hand in hand towards the car and got in

Tini: so may you tell me were are we going or it's a surprise as well

Jorge: we going to a ship

Tini: what??

Jorge: ya a mini cruise like Titanic but a lot smaller just for me and you romantic right

Tini: Awww that's so cute thanks Jorge

Jorge: anytime, come on hope out

We got out of the car and went to the boat it was so romantic and we had an amazing view as I was looking at the view I felt Jorge move i turned my head to see him on one knee with a beautiful ring on a small red box I teared as I heard the most beautiful words coming out of his mouth

Jorge: Martina Stoessel do you give me the honour of you being my wife



Can I get a what what!!!

Whoo my first book is finally done all thanks to you guys I will be making a squeal which will not have a time skip OMG IM SOOO HAPPY GUYS THIS IS MY FORST BOOK EVER THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP and I wanted to end this book with a bunch of recommendations to all my favourite stories btw before you read this I want TinistaFromTheUK to know that your the best writer I've ever known even though your books are the last on the recommendation, I did this because I enacted to let all your books together in a special way thanks for giving me all your amazing books love you, as well as the last people AMAZING GUYS , no offends for the stories that I didn't right


1- You'll Never Know What's Around The Corner 1-2-3-4-5 and hopefully 6

2- Our Journey Of Love (my chattie)

3- Blue-Red (adore you!!)

4- The Model

5- Leonetta- Part Of Me

6- Bad (even though I'm mad at you because you stopped updating)

7- Between Two Worlds - Between A New World

8- FanCy: Senior Year

9- In Love With My Bully

10- I'll Stand By You

11- Happy Endings Or Trouble

12- The Celebrity

13- One Jug Of Beer

14- P.S I Hate You

15- Love At First Sight

16- Trust Me

17- High School

18- A New World - My Own World

19- Sister,Sister

20- You Have To Choose

21- Reunion - A Next Chapter - The Next Step

22- Life After Studio On Beat

23- All In My Head - In Your Arms - Underneath It all

23- Leonetta Europe 1-2-3


1- Is It Really Just Acting

2- Impossible

3- I Heart You

4- The Three Best Friends

5- Behind The Scenes

6- True Feelings

So I guess that's it I love you guys bye bye see you in the squeal

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