Starbucks part 1

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Jorge's pov

~Tini's set room~

No one can believe that me and Tini made up again I'm really ready for this I was thinking about taking her to a date which gonna be quiet romantic

Tini: hey, daydreaming

Jorge: I was thinking about taking you out

Tini: oh really well that's cute

Jorge: WAIT!!! Peter and Stephie

Tini: what's wrong with them

Jorge: we forgot to tell them about us

Tini: ya that actually slip off my mind

Jorge:I think we should tell them

Tini: what now

Jorge: ya sure together well tell them to meet us up somewhere and then we can tell them together

Tini: sure love the idea

Jorge: love you anyway I'm gonna go to my room now to call Stephie and tell her to meet us up

Tini: wait where are we gonna let these guys meet us

Jorge: Starbucks at 4:00

Tini: cool I'll tell peter the same

Jorge: take care*kissed her cheek and left*

I went to my room and saw Ruggero sitting on the couch watching TV

Rugg: congrats

Jorge: thanks man

I sat on my bed and looking through my contacts looking for Stephie's phone number to call her

Rugg: looking for something

Jorge: ya Stephie's number

Rugg: your gonna cheat on Tini???'

Jorge: calm down man tell you later

Rugg: I'm not gonna allow this

Jorge: allow what? Rugg just go to Mechi and do anything to stay away form me.....*he stood still*!!

Rugg: still mad at you man that's so low*going towards the door*

I shook my head and chuckled when Stephie rang me I picked up

~phone conversation~

Stephie: hey boyfriend

Jorge: hey Stephie can we meet up at Starbucks at 4:00 need to talk to you

Stephie: sure bayb I'll be there love you loads

*i didn't answer just hanged up*

~end phone convo~

Tini's pov

I rang peter and told him about Starbucks and I started getting ready I wore a black tight and a whit crop top with anchors on them and my brown boot heels and went to Jorge's room so we can go together

I knocked on the door and he opened it

Jorge: wow looking beautiful kiddo*acting like peter*

Tini: don't act like him please

Jorge: act like who T

Tini: stop you look hilarious*started laughing*

Jorge: ok fine lets go

Tini: sure

We hoped into the car and drove to Starbucks

I'm in love *jortini*Where stories live. Discover now