New song

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Tini pov

Mechi really helped me and I think I'm gonna work on the song and show it to Simon he maybe put it on violetta 3 new album

I started to rehearse the song

From the first day that I met you

Feeling out of place

So many new faces

The first friend that I looked to

When I reached out

You'd always be there for me

Friends till the end

Never break

Never bend

Friends, understand

Make you smile

Hold your hand

Now we're standing together

We're never alone

Our dreams are alive

Gonna keep believing

The friendship we share

Like the music we love

It keeps us together

Where ever we may go

If you need me in a heartbeat

Just say so

You can count on me count on me

I would come

In a heartbeat

Cuze you know

You will always be always be number one

Now we're standing together

We're never alone

Our dreams are alive

Gonna keep believing

The friendship we share

Like the music we love

It keeps us together

Wherever we may go

If you need me

In a heartbeat just say so

You can count on me count on me

I would come

In a heartbeat

Cuze you know.

You will always be always be number one

Simon: that was beautiful

Tini:ahh* I put my hand on my chest* you scared the heck out of me Simon

Simon: I don't care this song is perfection we have to use it in violetta 3

Tini: really that's what I was going to talk to you about

Simon: well I agree oh and btw what is the songs name

Tini: friends till the end

Simon: beautiful

Tini:thanks Simon, I'll see you later

Simon: ya sure

I went running to find Jorge when I bumped into him

Jorge: hey slow down what's with the rush

Tini: I'm just so happy

Jorge: reason?

Tini: me and Mechi wrote a song and by accident when I'm rehearsing it Simon heated me and he said that the song have to be in VIOLETTA 3

Jorge: you do realise we have to do the tour first

Tini: I don't care they're gonna use my song in the show whoooo*screams*

Jorge: voice voice

Tini: sorry over excitement

Jorge: how about after the tour ends we make a violetta 3 party

Tini: great idea

Jorge: cool so when are we gonna start the tour

Tini: I don't know let's ask Simon

Jorge: sure you go and tell me the news

Tini: ya and you sit here doing nothing

Jorge: we finally agree on something

Tini: no no mister your coming with me*pulling his arm*

Jorge: fine I'm coming

We went to the director's room and knocked at the door

?: come in

We opened the door and entered

Tini: hey Simon I've been thinking um..when the tour gonna start

Simon:October 12

Tini: that's after tomorrow

Simon: ya the show have been realised and the final episodes are in the doors

Tini: this is so amazing Simon

Simon: my work

Tini: thanks well we better get going

Simon: sure break a leg

Tini: I'll try taking that as a compliment

Simon: sure

We headed out if the room and went to Jorge's

Jorge: finally together

Tini: how about we order some pizza and watch some movies

Jorge: no

Tini: what

Jorge: I think it's better if we did that in my home since the delivery man can't get in

Tini: ya sure

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