New look

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Tini's pov

I decided to make my hair full-blond since we have to make a new look already and I just wished that my hair was blonde since Violetta 2 but I decided to take it step by step and just dip dyed it, but now I can I'm heading my way to the car

Driver: hi mam where would you like to go?

Tini: do you know any good hairdressers around?

Driver: I assume I do mam, ya I do would you like to go there?

Tini: yes please

The driver drove the car and I started feeling board I took out my headphones and plugged it in my iPhone and started listening to "amnesia" by 5SOS I don't know why but I feel that the song gets me I don't want to forget what I'm in because I love my life, ANYWAY....the car stopped and I got out of the car and got into a building written on "Joelle's Beauty Centre" I got in and a tall lady with pink hair and a piercing met me

Lady: hey how may I help you

Tini: hi I just wanted to make my hair

Lady: blow dry?

Tini: no coloured

Lady: okay I will be doing it for you and by the way I'm Joelle

Tini: hey isn't this the name of the place

Joelle: well I'm the owner

Tini: cool

Joelle: your face looks really familiar may I ask what is your name?

Tini:um I'm Martina Stoessel

Joelle:do you act

Tini: well I'm act in the show of Violetta

Joelle: boom I knew that I saw you somewhere my daughter is in love with you and that Leon guy she talking about them 24/7

Tini: glad she do!

Joelle: would you like meeting her sometime mr.Stoessel

Tini: ya sure and please call me Tini

Joelle: my pleasure Tini.....please sit down

Tini: thanks

I went to the chair and sat in front of the mirror facing me

Joelle: so Tini what would you like to be your hair colour

Tini: I want it blond please

Joelle: fully blonde*pulling my hair from down gently*

Tini: yes please

Joelle: ok so relax

She went and came back with her tools and started putting that cream all over my hair then she covered it with an aluminium wrapping it burnt a little but I can take it. after about an hour or so she removed the cover from my hair and I was surprised seeing my brown hair turning into actual blond

Joelle: any other thing Tini

Tini: I think it would look better if we butted it a little

Joelle: ya nice style

Tini: thanks

She started taking the end if my hair and cutting it really fast and when she's done she took the hair oil and dipped a small drop onto my hair and I look perfect

Tini: thanks Joelle it was nice meeting you

Joelle: pleasure is all mine

And I went back to the car waiting to go back to Buenos Aires to surprise my friends

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