Starbucks part 2

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Tini's pov

Me and Jorge jumped out of the car and went into Starbucks we heard Stephie on the phone so we waited behind her till she finishes her conversation

Stephie:so peter where are you know, what do you mean heading to satrbucks I'm there you jerk, it's impossible Jorge told me to meet him here, well I'm sorry but your not following the plan I said that you have to take this Martina diva away from my boyfriend aka Jorge, I forgive you, love you too, fine now go before someone hears you, bye

Stephie's pov

I finished my convo and turned around seeing Jorge and Tini!!!

Stephie:a-a-a I'm s-sorry j-ogre

Jorge: it's not me you should apologise for apologise for Tini for braking us apart oh well guess what Stephie I'm breaking up with you and you know what me and Tini made up and we came to tell you AND PETER the good news

Stephie: it all because of you dimwit*facing tini*

Tini: see I didn't do anything you did it all for your self and tell peter when he comes come on Jorge

I just want to boil her in boiling water and let her be !!! I hate her she always gets what she wants and now I have to stick with that peter and even don't get any kind of population everybody thought that I'm something for dating Jorge blanco but now I'm nothing again I HATE MY LIFE!!

Sorry for the short chapter

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