Chapter 17: Never Let Me Go

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David and I were sitting on the couch when the doorbell rang. David turned around, and turned back.

"Come in!" He yelled.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"Our friends" He said in a 'you should've known that' tone.

I lightly slapped his chest.

"I do not appreciate your attitude mister!" I said as I pointed at him.

"I'm sowwy." He apologized.

I put my hand down.

"Do you fowgive me?" He asked.

I turned to him and couldn't help but smile.

"Yes" I said.

"A kiss?" He asked shrugging his shoulders, but still speaking in the baby voice.

I turned my head and we kissed. Our lips were almost like magnets. They just always found a way to each other.

"HEY ROMEO AND JULIET!" We heard from outside.

We stopped kissing, and we both turned around to see Heath and Zane standing in the doorway.


"Shit" David said as he got up and unlocked the door.

"Is you bitches comin' or what?" Zane asked.

"To what?" I asked walking over.

"A party!" Heath exclaimed.

"When?" David asked.

"In about an hour." Heath answered.

"Oh shit." I said.

I walked over to David and put my arm around him, and he out his arm around my waist. I looked at him and smiled he smiled back and we kissed.

"Ahhhhh bitch!" Heath gushed.

"You two are gonna make me cry!" Zane said fanning his face.

We pulled apart. We both turned to them and smiled.

"Why? All we did was kiss." David said.

"Yeah, you've seen us kiss before." I added.

"You literally watched us kiss under the moonlight." I said.

"And bitch I cried!" Zane said.

"Oh my god, our babies are growing up so fast!" Heath squealed.

"Ok, back to the party." I said laughing.

"Oh yeah!" Zane said snapping back to reality.

"Let's go bitches!" Zane said waving his hands in the air.

David and I grabbed our cameras and we all left.

~At the Party~

Right when we got there David and I started recording. Like usual, Zane ran off and came back with drinks. David and vlogged for most of the night, but also shut the cameras off to spend time with each other and our friends. David and I were sitting on a couch when he turned to me.

"Come with me." He said as he stood up.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

He extended his arm. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up.

"You'll see." He said.

He then pulled his hat off and put it on my head, covering my eyes.

"David! I'm not doing this right now!" I said.

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