Chapter 35: Thankful 4 U

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Once we got home everyone showered and changed for dinner. I was the last to shower. After I got out of the shower I walked into my childhood room where all of my clothes and my bag sat. I got dressed, did my makeup, and almost finished blow drying my hair when David walked into the room.

"Almost ready?" He asked wrapping his arms around my waist and slightly swaying back and forth.

"Yeah" I said shutting off the hairdryer. "Just finished" I added.

I ran my fingers through my hair once before I turned to David.

"Let's go I guess" I sighed.

"What are you stressing out about now?" He asked.

"How are we going to tell my parents about the pregnancy?" I questioned.

"Don't worry about that." He smiled.

"I have everything figured out." He reassured me. He wrapped his arms around my lower back and pulled me closer to him pressing our bodies together.

"You do?" I questioned still stressed.

"Yes," He brushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "Everyone is pitching in." He noted.

"In what way?" I asked.

"You'll see" He said leaning forward and placing a kiss on my forehead.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest. I deeply exhaled.

"HEY ROMEO AND JULIET!" I could hear Heath yelled in his character voice.

"GET YO ASSES DOWN HERE SO WE CAN EAT!" He shouted still his character voice.

We both burst out laughing.

"Only Heath" I sighed as David and I stopped hugging.

"Yup, sounds about right." David said as he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Well," I started.

"Last one to the kitchen is a rotten egg!" I yelled before sprinting out the door and down the stairs.

I could hear David close behind me, but I jumped the last few steps keeping my lead. I was halfway through the living room when David's arms wrapped around my waist and picked me up. I let out a few squeals before he kissed me on the cheek.

"I love you" I whispered.

"I love you too" I paused.

"Rotten egg" I laughed.

"Hey, I can live with that as long as you love me." He laughed.

"You bitches comin'?" Zane asked in his character voice.

"I guess so" I giggled.

We both walked into the kitchen to see everyone waiting for us including my Grandma on my Mom's side.

"Hi Grandma!" I said in surprise as we hugged.

"Hi honey!" She said hugging back.

"How have you been in California?" She asked.

"Amazing!" I replied.

"Less greeting more eating!" Gabbie said making us all laugh.

We all sat down at the table.

Starting at the right side of the table sat Heath, Zane, Gabbie, Liza, Jason, David, Me, and Todd. Across from Todd sat Scott, Robert, Garrett, Ellie, Kristen, my Grandma, my Mom, and my Dad. It was a packed Thanksgiving with a total of 16 people. After everyone got food the focus was immediately on me and David. After David did his "professional" food review on Instagram he was instantly interrogated by my family.

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