Dutch Van Der Linde x Reader - Jealousy

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Requested by @ConnorDonovan4

This will be about where the reader is jealous over Molly. If you have played RDR2, then you should know that Molly O'Shea is favorited by Dutch. The reader is jealous over Molly then becomes upset and keeps to herself

~Relationship Status:
Dutch and the Reader are friends until the end of the oneshot!

~Word Count:


Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Your Last Name


My horse whinnies in relief as I take off his saddle, and bring it to my tent. I set it down gently, and grab a wet rag. The dirt comes off easily then I thought, thinking it'd leave a mark or two.

I hear a few giggles from above, trying to ignore it. Trying my hardest not to look up, I scrub the saddle with more force, trying to tune out the laughing and giggles.

I hear it again, and grit my teeth. Looking up, I see Miss O'Shea and Dutch, laughing away and spending their time together. Cuddling, a few kisses here and there.

I look back down at my saddle, and begin thinking to myself.

She hasn't been around nearly for as long as I have. But then out of no where, she gets Dutch's attention. My blood boils as I continue to hear them laugh at their annoying comments, and stupid compliments.

I look up once more, and see their lips locked on one another. Sighing, I clean the last dirt spot on my saddle and pick it up. My horse trots over to me as I whistle for him, and I put the saddle back on.

Reaching under my horse's stomach, and I buckle the saddle so it doesn't fall off. I mount up, and take off.

I ride through the woods, away from camp. Sometimes, it's been a wonder to me, does the gang even consider me family? Would they notice I'm gone?

Shrugging to myself, I stop at a river and look behind me, seeing the open plains.

Maybe I'll sent up a tent of my own, stay away for a bit. Let's see if they would ever notice I'm gone, or even try to bring me back.

I dismount, taking the tent fabric off my horse's saddle. I set up my tent and start a fire until I feel my stomach growl.

"Probably should get something to eat before I starve..." I talk to myself, and get my bow off my horse that Charles gave to me awhile ago. Once again, I mount up and set off to find something to eat.

I stalk the plains, looking for a deer or a rabbit. Pulling on the reins to urge my horse to stop, everything says quiet for a moment. Until I hear a twig snap, and I look behind me to see a few deer grazing peacefully.

I grab an arrow from my saddle, and draw it back on the bow. Steadying myself, I take a deep breath and fire the arrow.

The arrow hits, and the deer screams in pain. It leaps away, limping until it gets a decent distance away and drops to the ground. My horse and I trot over, and I see the deer look at me in fear as I grab my knife out of my pocket.

"Thank you, for the meat. Sleep well." I say, and plunge my knife into the deer. It screams, and the life drains out of it's eyes. I put away the knife, and pick up the deer. My horse comes over to me and stands still while I stow it on his back.

I hold my bow as my horse follows me back to the small camp I made for myself. We make it back, and I take the deer off my horse, and put it on the ground.

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