Hosea Matthews x Reader - Up North

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Requested by @ConnorDonovan4, This is my first Hosea oneshot, I'm excited! 😁

In this oneshot, We will start off from being up north in the Grizzles, Hosea will catch a cold and the reader will take care of him until his sickness has passed. As Hosea's sickness worsens, The reader becomes upset, and worried.

~Relationship Status:
The reader and Hosea Matthews are friends.

~Word Count:


Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Your Last Name


The cold was brutal, the snow stuck to our faces as we continued up North, away from the Pinkerton. The snow storm continued to worsen, Davey in the wagon behind us wasn't doing too well. I was huddled up in a blanket, in the front seat with Hosea driving beside me. I looked at him, he only had a coat on himself, and he was struggling to even stay warm.

I scoot over and drape the blanket over him, atleast covering us both from the cold snow. He looks at me, seeming grateful. Someone comes over to the side, and I look over and see Reverend Swanson.

"Abigail says he's dying, Hosea. We'll have to stop some place." He says, worried about our friend's health. We had all hoped he'd be okay by the time we had stopped.

"Okay. Arthur's out looking, Dutch sent up him ahead." Hosea looks at Reverend through the snow, it was coming down hard, and Reverend had to use his arm to cover his face from the cold snow. He huffs, hearing Hosea's reply and goes back into the wagon.

I speak up to Hosea, "If we don't stop soon, we'll all be dying. This weather, it's May..." I frown, thinking about my next sentence. "I'm just hoping that the law got as lost as we did."

Hosea speaks up, and points out, holding a lantern. "There."

Through the blizzard, I could shape out a figure. It soon turned into a figure of a horse, and then we all realized who it was. It was Arthur Morgan.

"Arthur! Any luck?" Hosea exclaims, awaiting the news. Hopefully it'd be good news, and we'd let Davey do his... well you know.

He raises his voice above the storm, squinting his eyes at us both. "I found a place where we can get some shelter. Let Davey rest while he... you know." Arthur pulls back the reins of his horse, and then pulls it into the direction we were headed in.

"An old mining town, abandoned, it ain't far. Come on." He says, and Hosea drives the wagon, following Arthur's horse. The entire gang drove the wagons, following Arthur. We were all practically freezing to death, Especially Davey. From how many hushed tones were going about it from behind me, I was nervous he wasn't going to make it.

We kept our hopes high, and continued to get through the raging storm. The snow continuously sticking to our faces, and our fingers were barely moveable.


Hosea kicks the door open, his gun out as we search the one of the mining town houses. It was empty, seems like t hadn't been used in years.

He lifts the lantern up, seeing if anyone or anything was inside. I hear his gun go back into his holster and then yells, "Bring him in here."

Abigail quickly get inside, her arms crossed trying to warm herself up. I move a table, pushing it against the wall. Bill and Arthur both go in with Davey, and set him on the table. Dutch hurries everyone inside to get themselves warmed up, and fed.

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