Arthur Morgan x Reader - Worried for Your Sake

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Requested by @_Callistooo_.


Arthur will be going to Guarma after the gang robs the bank in Saint Denis, the reader will be extremely worried. After Arthur returns, things will get a bit steamy.
For those of you know of the ACTUAL distraction in the Saint Denis robbery, it's going to be a little different in this oneshot. Sorry!

~Relationship Status:
The reader will have feelings for Arthur Morgan, however Arthur will have feelings for Mary Linton however the reader won't really know that those feelings have faded until the end of the oneshot.

~Word Count:


Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Your Last Name


I was following the plan, I was with Hosea, setting up a distraction while the rest of the gang robbed the Saint Denis bank. We had to distract the city Pinkerton, keeping them away from the bank.

Me and Hosea decided to act as a married couple, looking to settle down in one of the fancier homes. Hosea had set up a bomb in one of the homes, it had a 5 minute timer before it went off. We linked arms, and Hosea winked at me, knowing we'd probably get laughed at by the gang for this ridiculous plan.

I plastered a fake smile on my face and pretended to look happy and excited to see the city. Even though the place was a living dumpster, rats, garbage, and the smell was awful. I wouldn't be able to understand who'd be dumb enough to live in this hellhole.

Hosea keeps his voice at a whisper, "Whatever you do, you must look happy. Keep a smile on your face." That part wouldn't be so hard, I'd practically die from laughter any second. Hosea had always been a friend towards me, nothing more.

I've had feelings for someone else in the gang, but I don't think he'd ever accept them. Mr. Arthur Morgan seems to still be in love with that Mary Linton. I guess I couldn't blame him, She was pretty, real pretty. They've known each other since their childhoods, but Arthur's in a gang. He'd never have time for what she'd want, to settle down.

With how much we move, there would be no time to even think about it. Sometimes, I feel like if I just said something to get it over with, just maybe, maybe that small chance that he'd accept it, would come in. I've seen all the letters she's sent him, it's clear that she misses him dearly.

I'm driven out of my thoughts to see Pinkerton in front of us, they seem to patrol the area, talking to one another. I pretend like I'm laughing to one of Hosea's horrible jokes, and give him a fake smile. "Dear, Are you sure your going the right way? I'm pretty sure this is our third time passing this street." I say, a bit of concern in my voice. Hosea seems to continue to play along with the conversation I started.

"I thought this street had looked familiar." Hosea says, and begins to look around. A few of the Pinkerton look up at us, and one of them calls out, "You folk need help?"

Hosea and I stop in our tracks and look at the Pinkerton. I smile as they approach us, and Hosea gives a warm, friendly smile. "Hello, Gentlemen. Me and my lover are new to Saint Denis. We've been looking to purchase a new home, more suited for the wealthy. Could you point us in the right direction?" Hosea says as calmly as he could, knowing that at any second something could go horribly wrong.

The Pinkerton in front of us looks at our arms linked together, and nods slowly. "Sure, Some of my boys are headed down that way anyways." The man says, and begins walking down the sidewalk. As we continue our way down the sidewalk, passing small stores and the tailor.

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