Arthur Morgan x Reader - Attacking The Oil Company

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Requested by @x0BritannyBoo0x


This oneshot will be a Eagle Flies/Rains Fall mission. This is where Dutch has manipulated Eagle Flies' anger and gets him to go after the US Army. (The Oil Company that Leviticus Cornwall owns.) This is where the storyline is about 60%-65% ish finished and Dutch is mostly under Micah's influence.

~Relationship Status:
The reader and Arthur are in a Relationship!

~Word Count:


Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Your Last Name


I sit at camp, my head in my hands as I try to think happy thoughts. The amount of crazy events that we've been put through is crazy, The Bank Robbery in Saint Denis, Blackwater, Guarma, Sean, Kieran, Hosea, Lenny, I could go on and on.  I feel like the people whom I called family for years have became different people, or what Arthur says, Shown their true colors. Especially Mr. Dutch Van Der Linde.

We all kept thinking to ourselves that things would get better, that's what Tilly promised me. But we all tried to think things were going right for once, but they were going the opposite direction. I feel a hand on my shoulder, and then another hand ruffling my hair. They come over to me, and then crouch down in front of me.

Arthur looks up at me, frowning as he notices the frown on my face. He places his hand on my arm, "Why the long face?"

Closing my eyes, I think back to all the bad memories of recently and then open my eyes once again, looking at Arthur.

"Just.. I wish things were different. Not so crazy, and so... Changed." I respond, keeping my voice low away from the others. Arthur nods in agreement, "Me too, Dutch ain't the same no more."

He looks past me, and over his shoulder. His eyes narrow and he stands up, walking over to where Dutch was.

Dutch was standing by Micah, who had his boys by Dutch's tent. Dutch seemed deep in thought as Arthur walked up. My heart pangs as I fear fighting was about to happen. Arthur looks at Dutch and speaks up for the camp to hear. "So why are these two still here?" Micah's boys perk up a bit.

Dutch responds, not really seeming enthusiastic. "Old pals of Micah's."Arthur speaks back at him, "They're getting real comfortable."

Micah finally speaks up to defend his 'pals'. "We need guns for what's coming." He looks at Arthur and then to the ground before continuing, "Cleet and Joe know how to fight... It's lucky I bumped into 'em."

Arthur gives a big sigh, and looks to Dutch. Mr. Morgan has lost all hope in Dutch, and tries to still make him see what's happening. "What is going on, Dutch? What is happening to us? What is happening to you?"

Micah's expression turns into a ugly snarl, and he gets angry. He stands up straight, and says, "You show him some respect." After hearing that, I stand up and walk over to Arthur's side. My blood boils from hearing Micah talk to Arthur like that. Especially after all he's doing is saying the goddamn truth.

Bill and Javier step over by us with their guns drawn. Arthur lowers his voice, and looks at Micah. Arthur seems to get real pissed off and says calmly, "Excuse me?"

"Mr. Van Der Linde! Mr. Morgan! Charles! Y/N!" Someone yells. All of our attention is taken by the shout and we turn around to see a bunch of Eagle Flies' people on horse back riding our way.

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