Arthur Morgan x Reader - Once More

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Requested by @MaddysonPotts123. 😁😁 I can't wait for this oneshot.

In this oneshot, This is going to be a bit of a flashback. The reader will flashback to when how they were captured during the Blackwater boat incident and how the gang couldn't save her. The gang will think the reader is dead until on their way to the Grizzlies, The gang will run into Pinkerton whom was transferring the reader in a prison wagon to another location. The flashback will end off when the reader will realize they are still in the prison wagon until the gang rescues them.

~Relationship Status:
Arthur Morgan and the reader are in a relationship.

~Word Count:


Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Your Last Name


The metal bars were cold against my back as I leaned against them. The Pinkerton driving me away, and were chatting away on how they still thought the Van Der Linde gang was still in the area. They ain't that dumb to stay here for that long when they've lost a few members. All that I knew was, Mac, Sean and I were all captured. But, unfortunately the Pinkerton were smart enough to keep us in separate prison wagons.

If anyone came to rescue us, it'd only be one of us. There were far too many Pinkerton to even attempt to try and rescue any of us. The wagon rolls over a rock, and shakes the wagon, making me bump my head on the hard metal. I groan, not really needing to feel more pain from the amount of bruises I had acquired from the boat in Blackwater. The Pinkerton whom were driving the wagon snicker at me from hearing me, "Bumpy ride, ain't it?" They tell me, and I shoot him a glare.

"Smooth as can be." I grit my teeth and say sarcastically. Not to mention the Pinkerton who had beaten me half to death before I had even gotten into this damn wagon, giving me a few bruised ribs and possibly good fracture on my arm. I stared through the metal bars, my body had ached. I didn't want to really move, but soon I'd be forced to. It wouldn't be long until they hanged me, it was a dangerous world out here for Outlaws like me. I just hope that the rest of the Van Der Linde gang was okay, and my mind slowly drifted to Arthur.

That man had my heart for the longest time, and I had failed to tell him so. It was clear we had feelings for each other, hell, we even kissed a bit. But we weren't exactly together, The gang even knew our feelings for each other! I guess we never came completely forward with each other, but now it was too late. I hope he could move on from me, knowing I'd be dead within a few hours.

I remember his cries as I was dragged away by the Pinkertons in Blackwater. His cries continued to echo through my mind, and I couldn't get his voice out of my head. Frowning, I cross my arms and lean my head against the metal bars, and I close my eyes, sleeping away my problems. I dreamt back to what had happened back at Blackwater, and what exactly happened to me for me to be in this situation.


The boat we had planned to rob was loaded with money, wealthy folk were everywhere, fine jewelry and golden watches were on their hands and necks as they dined below deck. Most of us were already on the boat but Arthur hadn't yet arrived yet, and the gang were all waiting for the signal from Dutch.

We would grab the money from the safe and book the hell out of here, not looking back. Dutch walked out of the room where the safe was held, a bag stashed under his arm. He walks away calmly, keeping his cool and trying not to draw attention. We had both been trying our best to be blending in with the crowd, keeping low profiles as we robbed the bastards dry. Nobody had suspected a thing at first.

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