Micah Bell x Reader - Sheriff's Office

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Requested by LOTS of people!
Yay! First Micah Bell request!


Micah has been captured by the Sheriff in Strawberry, which shakes the reader up. Their nervous and worried until the next day when Arthur Morgan and the reader set out to go rescue Micah. The reader will then yell and complain to Micah, telling him how much of a idiot he is and how stupid he was on messing with the Sheriff.

This oneshot is based off two missions, the beginning of the mission where Arthur takes Lenny to Valentine's bad, and the mission where Arthur goes to rescue Micah.

~Relationship Status:
Micah Bell and the reader are in a relationship.

~Word Count:


Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Your Last Name


The sun shined brightly as it rose this beautiful morning, the sky turning all different colors. Reds, oranges, pinks. It was absolutely beautiful.

I had been just getting out of bed as I noticed the pretty sky, and I took a deep breath. The blanket I had still been wrapped in had smelled like Micah, but I don't know where he ran off to. It's been about a day since I've seen him but he probably got himself all drunk again, Lenny went with him too.

Micah and I both have had a relationship with one another for awhile now, much longer then I thought. I missed him, it's been a few days since we've had time to ourselves. We're usually with one another, shooting some fool in the head or just robbing some small homestead that Micah urges me to rob with him.

I walked out of my tent and saw Arthur and Dutch talking to one another, they had seemed to be in deep conversation for a moment. "Well, it seems like we are finally getting back on our feet." Dutch says proudly, and I couldn't have agreed more. Blackwater was a mistake, we allowed ourselves to get behind. But it'll never happen again, hopefully.
"You find a buyer for them bonds we stole?" Arthur asks Dutch, curious on if any progress on them had been made.

"Not yet, but Hosea's working on it." Dutch reassured him.

"When we headed west?" Arthur Morgan asks another question, and that was probably something we all wondered. But west, our problems were worse. For now, I felt like it'd be best to stay put and lay low since the law was up our asses. "Soon..." Dutch said hesitantly, "I don't know."

Dutch walks to the other side of Arthur, "Feels like..." Mr. Morgan begins, "things have changed. The whole world has changed." I take his words in for a moment, everything was changing. The law was becoming more stricter, they were hunting all of us outlaws down. Destroying gangs. "That they don't want folk like us no more." Arthur's hands on his belt, he sighs and then continues, "We're being hunted."

Dutch makes eye contact with Arthur, trying to stay positive. "We are smarter than them. Only the feeblest of men take jobs in the government." Arthur laughs, he gives a real laugh. One we haven't heard in awhile from all this chaos, "I hope so."

"Trust Dutch, Mr. Morgan." A feminine voice said from behind the two men, a fancy lady had been sitting in a chair. She had been knitting something, but she had always been good at everything. "You have to."

A outburst rings out among the camp, a frightened voice. "They got Micah!" The voice screams and I instantly perk up, I stand up and look towards the path that had led up to us. "Dutch..." Everyone stands up at the sudden yelling, seeming concerned. "Arthur.... Y/N..."I immediately walk over to the horses and see Lenny on horse back, he was scared and shaking.

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