Javier Escuella x Reader - It'll be Okay

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Requested by @-Vampirehunter.


This oneshot will be about how the reader's best friend is Sean. But Sean sadly passes away in this oneshot and the reader will isolate herself, and become a bit more colder to others around her.

~Relationship Status:
The reader and Javier are close friends.

~Word Count:


Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Your Last Name


I dismount from my horse and walk up to where Micah, Sean, Arthur and Javier were. (In the original mission, Bill is actually there and not Javier. I'm switching Bill out for Javier! Sorry!)

Micah looks up and sees me, "We been waiting for you, Y/N." Everyone gets up as I arrive, and Sean comes over. He gives me a friendly smile.

Sean had been my best friend for awhile, the idiot had always had that goofy side of him, and well, knowing me, we'd became fast friends. He got himself almost hanged up at Tall Trees, He's lucky we didn't leave his sorry ass. Yet I know I'd probably end up saving him anyways.

"Well, I'm sorry to have kept you." I respond to Micah's complaint, and I turn to Sean, returning his smile.

Sean shoves me playfully, and I shove him back.

"Come on!" Micah shouts at us, seeming a bit annoyed.

We walk back to the pathways, and I feel someone's elbow ram into my side. I look to my right, and see Sean whistling innocently. He looks the other way, avoiding my eyes.

"What's the plan?" Arthur speaks up, and asks Micah.

I slowly sneak behind Sean, and then leap onto his back. He grunts, and then puts his hands under my legs, giving me a piggyback ride. I take off his hat, and then ruffle his red hair. "Don't elbow me!" I shout at him.

"Oi! Not the hair! Anything but the hair!" Sean yells, and then throws me off his back.

Micah responds to Arthur's question. "We're meeting a couple of the Grays over at the Saloon."

I hit the ground, ending on my rear. I groan in pain, and I hear laughter to see Sean laughing at me. Javier comes over, and holds out a hand to me. I grin and take it, he pulls me up to my feet.

Me and Javier make eye contact, and he grins at me.

Micah continues, "They spoke to Bill about a job... needing security."

"After the farce of stealing the horses for them, why we doing this?" asks Arthur. He seems skeptical, not really trusting this situation.

"'Cause we need to stay in with them... and they're paying."

I feel a tap on my shoulder, and looks o my left. No ones there. Another tap on my shoulder, and I look to my right. No ones there. Another tap on my shoulder and I spin around, smacking Sean in the face.

He gasps, his hand flying to his cheek after he just got slapped by me. I laugh along with Javier, and he speaks up, "You deserved that, My friend."

"So what kinda security they want?" Arthur keeps asking questions, continuing to be skeptical.

"We're about to find out. Now come on." Micah urges us to follow him, and we do.

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