Arthur Morgan x Reader - Future Together

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Requested by hogwartsStraight
I did change the Plot-Line up a bit, sorry!


This will be taken in the Epilogue and Arthur Morgan will still be alive. Arthur Morgan and John Marston left the gang together, the reader also going with them. John Marston will have bought Beecher's hope and Arthur, Charles, and Uncle will have been helping John get the plot of land set up like a small ranch. This will take after the mission where John Marston orders the pre-cut barn.

Also, the reader will have been diagnosed with Tuberculosis instead of Arthur Morgan. However, there will be a happy ending!

~Relationship Status:
The reader and Arthur Morgan have been together for years, and eventually leave Beecher's Hope to start a life of their own.

~Word Count:


Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Your Last Name



I hammer the nail in place and wipethe sweat off my brow, the sun hitting us hard as we slowly but surely building the house that John ordered in Blackwater. It was coming along really nice, nicer than what I had originally expected. I was happy for him, he had planned to get Abigail and Jack back by getting this land and building them a ranch of their own. It would be fit for a lady like her, a house of her own and along with a small barn. Well, We has yet to build it but Uncle kept telling John he'll sure as hell need one to call this a ranch.

He wasn't wrong, we'd still need live stock too. But I wasn't exactly sure on what Arthur had going on in his mind. He knew I was sick, sick enough to the point where I don't know if I was going to make it. Speaking of being sick, I felt coughing coming on and drowsiness. I dropped the hammer in my hand and began coughing even more, then I heard somebody shout out my name.

I fall backwards into someone's arms and then I recognize the voice to be Arthur. I end up coughing for a few more seconds before clearing my throat, my eyes had been all puffy and red. I look up at Arthur, who's frowning down at me. "Don't die on me yet."

I reach up and out a hand on his cheek, my thumb rubbing soothingly against his cheek. "As long as you stop worrying, I ain't leaving you. Not now, not ever." I promised him, which made him put a small smile on his face. I turned myself around in his arms, and now we were facing one another. We both knew how sick I was, and it'd take a miracle for me to feel any better. I missed being able to do all fun things with Arthur and everybody else.

It hurt to see everybody helping and all I could do was cough up a storm, but maybe staying back was the best thing I could do. Rest was the only thing that could help me at this point.

I had been scared for my future, I didn't want to leave everyone behind. It was hard for me to fight the urge to help out around John's new home, seeing the boys work hours after hours and I can't even hammer a nail without coughing up a storm. I frowned as I had been faced toward Arthur, his frown before still remaining.

He puts his forehead to mine, sadness had been in his eyes. It was an emotional moment for the both of us, and I intwined our fingers together. Our foreheads touched, and his eyes were teary. We both knew there was a good chance our happy ending together wouldn't come but somehow Arthur still managed a small smile on his face, before it breaking into a wide, goofy grin.

I wrapped my arms around him and he nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck. A smile tugging at my lips, I kiss his cheek. It's been forever since the two of us have been together, years in fact. We met at the end of the Blackwater massacre, on their way out of Blackwater before some of the Van Der Linde gang got gunned down. But that was years ago.
(Remember, this is taking place in the Epilogue)

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