The Boy x Reader - But Mama I'm in love with a Criminal

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Hi everybody!!! I've been absolutely DYING to get this out since I absolutely adore the Boy. Yes, I named this oneshot after the Britney Spears song, it's called 'Criminal' but the lyrics are, 'But Mama, I'm in love with a Criminal.'



The reader has a high ranked status and will be sitting down to dinner with their future spouse. The boy and his gang will break through the windows and kidnap the reader, wanting money and riches. After time passes and the reader becomes more comfortable with the Boy, the reader will return home to tell their mother that they have fallen in love with a criminal.

The Boy will be the first to fall in love and begin to flirt heavily with the reader as the oneshot goes on.

Word Count:

Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Your Last Name


I used my fork to play with the peas on my plate, my head resting on the palm of my hand as the suitor my mother picked out chatted our ears off. On how many things they wanted to change in Saint Denis if they were married into the family. If they were married to me.

I let out a sigh by accident which earns me a sharp glare from my mother, but I guess the suitor didn't notice and continued munching on the food on their plate. The amount of chatter they said at the table I guess was just so annoying to the point where I asked to be excused, and both of my parents were glaring at me but then gave me a smile and nodded.

I honestly didn't want any part of this stupid arranged marriage thing. I didn't get the point of it, the suitor was some lousy idiot who didn't know how to shut up sometimes. I feel like their loud mouth will all get us a gun to the head, but little did I know it was exactly what was going to happen.

I walked up to the window sill, frowning as I watched a storm roll in. Lightning booming down over our heads and the rain clashing against the rooftop. The power quickly flickered and then stopped, I put my hand up to the window. My fingertips touching the fragile glass began to turn cold and I looked up at the clouds.

My mind began to think of what it would have felt like to maybe escape, what it would have felt like to not be of a higher ranked class. I guess I should be grateful for my current place, but I can't even make my own clothing choices without my parents breathing down my neck. I roll my eyes at my thoughts.

"Stupid, isn't it." I say quietly to myself, a little frustrated

I crossed my arms and leaned my forehead against the cold window, watching the raindrops patter against the window. I placed my finger tips on the window, looking outside the window. As I looked outside, I saw something shift around and then a figure stand up. They inched towards the window and put their fingertips on mine from the other side of the window. Their face comes into the picture, a man with blonde hair moves towards the window, our eyes meeting.

His face had an annoyed facial expression, which made my heart sink. Something was wrong. I took my fingers off the window and backed up slowly, and then I heard the house rumble. My eyes widened and I looked at the man again, who had a smirk plastered on his face.

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