John Marston x Reader - Family

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Requested by @Sinful_Heart

In this oneshot, The reader has extremely bad anxiety and decides to take a small stroll to get her mind off of things. John notices and tries his best to help. Abigail and Jack aren't going to be in this oneshot! Sorry! This is before RDR2 takes place!

~Relationship Status:
The reader and John Marston are friends, closer than the rest of the gang.

~Word Count:


Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Your Last Name


The gang and I were at Blackwater, some of us at the Saloon. I was somewhat new to the gang, still getting to know everyone better.

I had become acquaintances with Dutch and John, otherwise I wasn't too familiar with the majority of the gang. Everyone seemed always cheery and accepting of me, but I was always too nervous to speak up and say Hello.

We were having a drink, me, Arthur, John and Sean. Things recently have been good for all of us, got a good amount of cash and no Pinkerton trying to run us out of the country. Well, Not too many atleast.

The bartender comes over to us and fills up our glasses. We raise our shot glasses and clink them together before downing them. John and Arthur were in deep conversation while Sean comments on it. I sit there quiet, a bit nervous on trying to join in.

"Any word on Colm's next move?" John asks Arthur, curious to know what Dutch's rival was up to next. We usually tried to keep our distance, but ever since Colm killed a woman that Dutch loved dearly, we're forced to get involved. We do what Dutch wants us to do.

I look around the Saloon and try to distract my mind. I feel awkward just sitting there, and my mind wanders off to recent business with Colm O'Driscoll.

"Not yet, seems like they might be laying low. I heard they were down at Tumbleweed, staying away from the law." Arthur responds, putting a hand on his face that covers his mouth. He thinks to himself, trying to think what Colm's next move would be. None of us knew.

His boys have been on our tail, trying to track down our plans. Everywhere we go, we've ran into a couple of them. Sometimes I feel like there's someone spying on us, maybe in the trees.

"Tumbleweed? The hell would he want to pack up and move there?" Sean seems a bit confused, but his voice seems to be a bit more aggressive towards the Colm O'Driscoll situation.

Leaning forward and putting his hands on the table, Arthur quietly says, "Heard that the miners there hit gold. Colm's probably trying to get his hands on it before it's sold." We all nod, knowing that's definitely something Colm would do.

A lot of us seem to almost gotten themselves killed or hurt. Nobody's thankfully got shot in the back, a few small injuries here and there, but nothing too serious. I sigh, and look at the men in front of me. They're all in deep conversation, seeming to not really notice that I'm there.

I wasn't able to have a normal conversation with the gang without getting nervous. From how much I always seemed to get anxious about on if they've accepted me, it'd be worse starting a conversation with them.

Quietly, I stand up from my chair and go to the bar. I take a moment to get my thoughts together, still a bit nervous to be around the gang. I put my hands on the bar side, getting a few looks at the men seated there. I ignore them, and then I look down to my hands. My hands are in fists, seeming tense.

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