Arthur Morgan x Reader - The Braithwaites

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Hi everyone! This is a pretty long oneshot, so I hope you all enjoy!


This oneshot will take place in Third Person for the first half of the oneshot but then switch back to the reader's perspective.

Also this will take place on the mission where the entire gang physically goes to the Braithwaite's mansion.

You and Jack will have been kidnapped by the Braithwaite's. Due to this, Arthur will be extremely angry along with the rest of the gang. They will storm up to the Braithwaite's mansion and confront Catherine Braithwaite. After this, the gang will get information on the Jack & the reader's whereabouts. The gang will then travel to Angelo Bronte's mansion, confronting him about it.

~Relationship Status:
The reader and Arthur are in a relationship.

~Word Count:


Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Your Last Name


Third Person with the Gang

Arthur walked up to where everybody was crowded around, grim expressions on their faces. It had been a few days since Arthur had saw his beloved's face, and he, himself was worried on what was happening. Dutch looks up and sees his right hand man walking up to them. The gang leader rushes forward, a concerned expression on his face.

"Arthur, have you seen that boy, Jack?"

Arthur frowns slightly, knowing that something was amiss. Pieces of the puzzle was very slowly falling into place and all Arthur could reply with was, "No." Dutch puts a hand on Arthur's shoulder, his expression continuing to worsen as even Arthur didn't know where the little boy was.

Abigail runs up to Dutch and Arthur, practically in tears. Her face was filled with worry and anger, her son was missing and nobody knew where his whereabouts were. "Where's my goddamn son?"

She storms over on up to the two men whom were in conversation, "Where is he? Where's my son?" Her cries echo around them all, none of them could understand her sadness and anger.
"They took him didn't they? They took my son?" She looks at Dutch and Arthur for answers, pleading with them both as they both looked into her worried eyes "Who took my son!" The worried mother shouts, her mind stressed as her child was gone from her arms. "Who took him?" Arthur asks her, seeming worried himself.

Arthur looks around, looking for his lover. Something had felt wrong, and he stepped away from the panicked situation. Mr. Morgan had looked around for his lover, Y/N. He quickly walked over to their tent, and pushed open the flaps of the fabric. Their cot was empty, and it had seemed empty for hours. All of Y/N's belongings were still there, and untouched. A frown forms on his face, frustrated. Questions began to fill his head, thinking that they had been taken along with Jack.

Arthur storms over back to Dutch, an angry expression on his face. "They took Y/N." Everyone goes quiet, knowing how special they were to Arthur. It was obvious the two had been extremely close, always together and smooching in front of everybody. Someone hurried up to the rest of the gang, pointing behind him. Hosea looks at Arthur then to Dutch. "We think the Braithwaite woman took them."

He looks extremely worried and then exclaims, "That Kieran saw a couple of fellers, sounded like Braithwaite boys." Everyone's blood went cold, knowing that this would not be a friendly situation. They had found out that we had played them good. Abigail cries, "Where's my son? If anything..." She puts her hands to her face, ready to cry. Hosea puts a comforting hand on her shoulder and she continues, "Where is my son, Dutch van der Linde?"

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