Mr. Horley x Reader - Set Up

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Hey everybody! I'm excited for this oneshot, I haven't seen a single Mr. Horley x Reader oneshot yet :)

Thank you, MyMenagerie for requesting! I've been wanting to do a Horley x Reader forever!!


In the VERY beginning of Red Dead Online, after you create your character, your character has been put behind bars only because you were in a town where somebody got shot and didn't talk too much.

However! In this oneshot, your character will be able to talk! Your character will be transported from Saint Denis and into the Heartlands, where the prison wagon is ambushed by Mr. Horley. You and Mr. Horley have a cute moment together before your taken to see Mrs. LeClerk. Then told that your help is needed.

~Relationship Status:
You and Mr. Horley are past lovers, from years ago. Your relationship together was extremely close, but now since you've reunited, your relationship is a bit strained.

~Word Count:

Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Your Last Name


Mr. Horley's P.O.V

The sun was bright and hot down upon us, our camp was set up on a cliff, looking over Bard's Crossing. The river current was fast as trout leaped out of the water and splashed back in, swimming away from a grizzly bear who was trying to catch a fish. The horses pounding their hooves against the ground, running away from settlers who attempted to tame their wild minds of theirs.

I poured wine into a glass for Mrs. LeClarke, who was sitting down with a pen in her hand, signing away at a few documents. That woman was thirsty for vengeance for her late husband, but I don't blame her. I don't even know if my lover is even alive. No letter, no goodbye, just gone.

Stepping into the tent she had been at, I clear my throat and she looks over her shoulder. "Why, thank you, Mr. Horley." Taking the glass from my hand, I respond with, "My pleasure, Madame."

She puts the glass down on the desk, then looks back to me. "I need you to hire two men to help with a prison break." Ms. LeClerke tells me, and I raise an eyebrow. "What for?"

"A wagon will be coming through the Heartlands, a prison wagon. A prisoner on that wagon was in Blackwater when my husband was shot. They were taken prisoner only because they were in the wrong place and the wrong time." I try to wrap this around my mind, not quite understanding her point.

I speak up, "With all respect, what does this have to do with us?" Her eyes meet mine and she says, "We help them out, they help us find the person who shot my husband." Mrs. LeClerk eyes are filled with determination, ready to strike out at any moment.

"Do you have their name?" I ask and Mrs. LeClerk turns back to the desk she is sitting at, grabbing a paper and reading out a name.
"Does a Y/N L/N sound familiar?" My eyes widen, and all I do is nod. Nod and gulp.


The Reader's P.O.V

"You," a prison guard pointed to fellow prisoner, "You," they pointed to another one, "And you," finally, they point to me. A few prison guards bring in a prison wagon and open the doors to the back, urging us to get in.

"We need to perform a work detail out near Valentine, come on." Me and the other three prisoners get into the prison wagon, and I clench my teeth together. I was innocent, but for some odd reason they found me guilty only because apparently I could have been apart of the mastermind who ever killed whom in Blackwater.

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