Sadie Adler x Reader - Love you Right

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Requested by @seethefireinyoureyes

The reader will not have such an amazing past before joining the Van Der Linde gang. Sadie will be friends with the reader and helps the reader feel better about themselves. The reader will become distance and Sadie will obviously notice. She then will confront the reader about it, telling them that she's worried. The reader will try to play it off but Sadie won't buy it, the reader will finally give in before things get fluffy...

~Relationship Status:
The reader will become upset over their past and slowly start to develop feelings for Sadie Adler however they will keep these feelings to themselves.

~Word Count:


Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Your Last Name


The water flowed down the river and splashed around as I sat on a nearby rock. Everything around me was peaceful, a herd of deer were grazing nearby. The wind blew through my hair, my surroundings quiet. No gunfire, no lawmen, no O'Driscolls.

My arms wrap around myself, and I pull my knees to my chest. It hadn't been too long since I had joined the Van Der Linde gang. Life had been rough without them, and I'm happy to have met them folk. If I hadn't, I'd be a goner by now.

I remember all the times I was on the streets of Saint Denis, having to steal food from the slums just to survive. Pick pocket the wealthy just to make a quick dollar to feed my hungry stomach, trying my best not to starve to death. Life had been hard for awhile then, but I had met the gang during the Trolley Station shoot out.

I had somehow got myself dragged into it, and I was throw a pistol, told to shoot to save our asses. I guess Mr. Van Der Linde was impressed with my aim and made an Outlaw out of me, offering a spot for me in the gang. Without 'em, I'd probably still starving. I had to grow up real fast, not really having such a happy childhood.

I was never really cut out to be a farmer or a ranch-hand, I had always had an interest in shooting a gun. I didn't have a clue on what side to pick, The law or the Outlaw's. Well, we all clearly know what side I had picked. I felt a frown slowly form on my face, and I felt my heart pang as a sad feeling form in me.

I put my head in between my arms, and I close my eyes. My feelings get the best of me and I begin to slowly feel tears stream down my cheeks. I couldn't help but think of the times I was struggling to stay alive, the times that I had to steal from people just for my well being. From how many times I've been called horrible names from how many lives I've had to end or make suffer because of me.

It all came crashing onto me as I felt all of this, and then a horse near me whinnies. Rocks underneath it's hooves seem to click, and I look over to see a horse trotting over to me. I notice the rider as one of my friends, Sadie Adler. I watch as she rides her horse over to my direction, the horse's mane and tail flowing with the wind. The horse soon stops beside me, the rider and I both making eye contact.

"Ain't you a sorry sight." She tells me as she dismounts and walking over to my location. I grin at her, she had probably noticed the dry tears that had stained onto my cheeks. She puts a foot onto the rock I was sitting on, and plants the other onto the ground. Her hands rest on her waist, looking at me with a concerned expression. "Life ain't always easy." She tells me, and I chuckle to myself. "Ain't that the damn truth." Even the gang didn't have the greatest times with trying to rob banks or steal from other folk. There's always a risk to be getting shot in the head or being taken in by the law. Getting hanged in public ain't always ideal, being shipped off to Saint Denis to get hanged in the park.

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