Kieran Duffy x Reader - Bring on the Drinks!

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Requested by @ConnorDonovan4

This will be about how the reader and Kieran have a friendship going on, but the gang doesn't exactly accept Kieran as one of the gang members yet. To cheer Kieran up, the reader will bring them to Valentine's Saloon to have a few drinks. Yes, **few**. Well, after those drinks things will get a bit fluffy.

~Relationship Status:
The reader and Kieran are friends but their relationship will grow as the oneshot goes on.

~Word Count:


Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Your Last Name


It had been several months since Kieran Duffy had officially joined the Van Der Linde gang. Ever since the incident at Six Point Cabin with Arthur, John, and Bill, Some folk have been a bit more accepting of him.

We've always been good friends, or at least acquaintances. However, I guess you could say some of us weren't exactly too friendly when he was around. He's a somewhat innocent man, trying to earn his keep in the gang. I'm just happy that someone hasn't held a gun to his head or even worse.

It's about sundown, and folk start gathering around the campfire. Kieran seems a bit distant, and keeps away from the campfire. Walking up to him, we make eye contact. I grab his wrist and pull him towards the campfire, and urge him to sit next to me.

I look at him and give him a smile, trying to reassure him. "Your in this gang too, you've gotta come for the nightly campfires together." Kieran looks hesitant, and then slowly nods. He sits down next to me, and the girls begin to talk to each other.

However, a few glares come from Bill and Javier. Kieran at first doesn't notice, but I do. I glare back, but then soon try to ignore it. Arthur and Dutch rant on about how our plans were to buy our own island, or move up to New York. Arthur looks at Dutch, in disbelief.

Suddenly, a voice speaks up. "So, O'Driscoll, How's the gang treating you?" Bill seems to mock, and Kieran's eyes narrow. I feel my blood boil, but I bite my tongue. Kieran speaks up for himself, "It's Kieran, I ain't one of them no more."

Bill scoffs, and it was Javier's turn to speak up. "Once a O'Driscoll, always a O'Driscoll, my friend." Kieran puts his head in his hands, and I frown. I go to put my hand on his shoulder, but he shrugs it off. Kieran stands up, and walks away from the campfire.

I grit through my teeth angrily. "You bastards are lucky enough to have him with the gang, He's helped us so much with Colm. Least you could do is address him properly." The gang goes silent after my outburst as I stood up, and walk away. Looking around for Kieran, I felt horrible. Eventually, I find him by the horses. He's petting his horse in pure silence.

I walk up behind him and say, "Pretty horse." Kieran looks slightly over his shoulder, recognizing my voice. He nods, and then I put my hand on his shoulder.

He looks over at my hand, and then at me. "Why are you so nice, to me at least?" I think for a moment, trying to come up with the answer. Honestly, I didn't really have one. Kieran was innocent, he's done nothing to the gang. Well, besides join the O'Driscolls.

"Your someone who probably didn't want to get wrapped into this mess. The least I can do is try to get you out of it." Kieran slowly nods, seeming to understand. He gives me a small smile, but then it fades quietly.

My eyes look to the ground, and then slowly reach the wagon. Maybe it'd be a good idea to go to the Saloon, have a couple of drinks to help his mood. I don't think anyone would resist that.

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