Dutch Van Der Linde x Reader - The Grizzlies

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Requested by @-Galaxy_Nerd-

Dutch and the reader go on a hunting trip. However, during this trip a bear will be lurking around and chase the reader into a nearby river. Dutch will try his best to get them out of the raging river, but the reader will obviously be a bit hurt. While they get back to camp, Dutch will notice and makes the reader rest while he's by their side.

Relationship Status:
The reader and Dutch are in a relationship.

~Word Count:


Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Your Last Name


Hooves were beating against the ground as our ponies galloped across The Heartlands. The sun was shining brightly down on the plains that sunny day, the air was warm and dry. The dirt behind us was kicked up from the beating of our horse's hooves. Stones went flying behind us as we rode on. Rabbits ran off the path as we continued galloping, the cold air beginning to hit us.

Dutch's horse was beside me, The Count. He was a beautiful, albino horse, his eyes were gorgeous. However, his rider was even more gorgeous. The famous outlaw was beside me, a hunting rifle on his back. Dutch wanted to take me hunting, try and grab a couple of deer for camp.

Dutch and I were very close, we've known each other forever, and well... We soon after turned into lovers, with a very serious relationship. It's been a long time since that's ever happened, a few years at least. We've continued to love each other unconditionally, no intention of ever stopping. I look over to Dutch whom was at my side, riding his horse. He gave me a small smile as we rode on towards a river, the water splashing up onto us.

We began up a hill, going towards the Grizzles. It had been awhile since we were up this way, ever since the Blackwater incident. Let's just hope that doesn't happen again. The cold air rushed against us, our horses letting out a whinny as the snow began to hit our legs. It was cold but we kept going up north, seeing the river before still next to us, the water freezing cold and raging current.

The trees begin to thicken, and the snow begins to get deeper. A frozen lake appears before us, a few deer on the thick ice that had frozen over. They had seemed to be licking the top of the ice, pawing at the frozen lake, their hooves making scratches into the frozen water. As the lake came into view our horses slowed to a stop, and I look at our surroundings.

It was much clearer than it was the last time we were all in the area, it was like a winter wonderland come true. The trees were covered, the branches entirely white. The frozen lake was like a giant ice skating rink, I had to fight the urge to run over and slide on the ice.

I felt something on my hand, and I looked down to see Dutch, his hand on mine. I had realized I had totally zoned out, taking in the beautiful surroundings around me.

"Sorry!" I say, and quickly dismount. I hear a chuckle from Dutch, and I remove my hunting rifle from my horse whom was carrying it on its saddle. Turning back to Dutch, who's been scouting around us for the deer we had seen earlier on our way here.

I go up to him, and wrap my arms around him from behind. Dutch's hands are on mine, and he turns around. My face was on his chest, his warm fluffy coat against my face. I then stand up on my tippy toes, and kiss his cheek. His face was cold, but that didn't stop the smile forming on his face.

"Well, Hello." I hear Dutch's smile against my temple. We should have probably been looking around for deer, but we had both thought that our time together was more precious. "I love you." I mumble as my face was against his back. Before he could respond, we heard a branch snap to our left, and we broke away from the moment we had together.

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