Arthur Morgan x Reader - Hot Summer Days

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Hey everybody! Hope everyone's summer is going good so far! I got a little inspired by my recent visit to Savannah, Georgia! So I decided to write a cute summer spin-off with the gang!

Let me know if you like this oneshot and maybe I'll brainstorm more ideas or request an idea for summer!

ALSO! Before we get started, I'd like to announce that I am no longer going to be looking at requests in the comments. There's so many and at this point, it's better for me to find them in private messages. Thanks for understanding!

This oneshot does NOT follow after any missions or take place in any missions.

This will actually take place when the characters are pretty young, before the huge bank robbery in Blackwater. It's a hot summer day and all the gang wants to do is to splash around in the water! The reader and Arthur Morgan will tease each other in a flirting way, and maybe sneak a few kisses or two... ;)

~Relationship Status:
The reader and Arthur Morgan are very close and are in a relationship!

~Word Count:

Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Your Last Name


NOTICE: I'll probably add a lot more to this after I get summer homework done and update the chapters that still need updating.


It was another hot sunny afternoon, the sun was scorching hot. Almost unbearable. Wait no, I take that back. It was unbearable. The sweat was pouring off of everybody's scalp and beading down their foreheads.

The wagon ran over a rock as the horses moved on down towards Blackwater. Even the horses were panting heavily as the lone tree to our left moved behind us. A large herd of bison were rolling around in the dirt, attempting to get the flies away from their faces. They must have been feeling the heat too, their thick fur must had kept a fair amount of heat trapped. I felt guilty, they were probably have a much worse time then all of us were. I look forward back to the horses and use the reins to urge them forward, which they do.

Mary-Beth was in the wagon behind me as I drove it, she took off her bonnet and tried to fan herself with it. "Is it improper of me to say that I'd kill to go skinny dipping in Flat Iron Lake?" She earned a laugh from me, and I couldn't agree more.

We had a few of the gang members with us, including Mary-Beth. Sean and Javier had been with us, Sean talking our ears off and Javier had one of his arms slinging over the side of the wagon. Tilly had been tangling her legs off the end of the wagon, looking over her shoulder at Mary-Beth, joining in the conversation. Everybody was drenched in sweat but perked up when Mary-Beth had said something about Flat Iron Lake.

I looked to my right, and the infamous Arthur Morgan had his cowboy hat on. A grin slowly formed on his face like he was reading my mind. I winked at him before turning us all completely off course, the horses cantering across the grassy plains. Their hooves digging up the dirt and then slowly going down a slope, which opened up to a crossing to a small stream. Sure, it had a slight breeze but it wasn't what we were looking for.

We continued up the pathway and eventually, we saw the huge bridge towering above us. A train whistle blew as the train went across the bridge, which made a flock of crows scatter, afraid. The water current was loud and a few deer were near the stream, their dehydration slowly going down by the second. Once we came into view, they ran away and hid in the woods, peeking out once every so often. I drove the wagon to a soon stop, and I looked back to the scenery before us all.

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