Beau Gray x Reader - Escape the Feud

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Hi everyone! First Beau Gray Oneshot!!


Beau Gray and the reader will be in love however the reader will be a Braithwaite (As much as I hate to say it). This oneshot will actually end in the mission where Arthur Morgan helps Beau Gray and the reader escape onto a train, away from Lemoyne. (The mission will be a tad different in the oneshot!)

~Relationship Status:
Beau Gray and the reader are in a secret relationship!

~Word Count:

Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Your Last Name


The full moon shined above in the dark night sky, fireflies lighting up and sparkling through out the night. It was quiet, a perfect place to relax under the stars. Fingers had been tangled in my hair, soothingly relaxing my tensions and worries that had been going on for the last few days. Whether it was getting caught with my lover or being caught sneaking out of my mother's house.

The stars twinkled down upon us, and Beau's gentle fingers traced my jawline. My head had been in his lap and my arms had been down at my sides, we spent this moment together in peace. The crickets cricketed as the night sky continued to darken, the sun had fully sank beneath the horizon. My eyes seemed to wander over to Beau's, his beautiful brown (I believe they are brown) had already been starring down at mine. I grin at him which earns me a grin in return, and then he leans down to peck my forehead.

His eyes were inches from mine, starring into mine. He sighed, "Why must this family feud of ours still continue?" He sits up straight, and I pout. I had been comfortable until this fuss of his happened again. Beau continues to ramble on, "It's been years since they've even spoken to one another!" We've both tried to talk some sense into our relatives, they seem to not really give much thought into it. Beau stands up and begins to pace, and my head falls out of his lap with a thud. I groan and look at him, annoyed from his sudden movement.

He paces back and forth, a hand behind his back and one on his chin. I sigh and stand up as he continues to blabber on, trying to come up with a solution. "Such a stubborn woman she is, Mrs. Braithwaite." He rambles on and I walk over to him, wrapping my hand over a clenched fist that had been behind his back. He suddenly stops and then looks over his shoulder at me, and I give him a small smile.

There had been something sitting in the back of my mind that I had been wanting to say, but I wasn't sure if Beau would ever consider it. I was nervous to ask, but I eventually spat it out. "We could always run away.." I said slowly, standing there awkwardly with my hand still in Beau's. An awkward silence had  been among both of us, Beau's expression looked deep in thought. "Perhaps it'd be a possible solution."

A wide smile had been forming on my face and I wrap my arms around Beau, who almost instantly responds in wrapping his around me. Silly grins had been plastered on our faces, he pecks my forehead with his soft lips.

Time seemed to go by faster than ever and our moment together soon came to an end. My hands had been in his, a frown on my face as he wished me goodnight. One day, we wouldn't have to cut our moments so short. We'd be able to love each other freely and not secretively, we wouldn't need to hide every time someone had been walking around.

"I'll see you tomorrow, my love." Beau gives a small smile to me before I nod and turn towards my home.

I starred back at my mother's manor, a unpleasant feeling in the pit of my stomach every time I thought of her. My legs made their way towards the porch of the manor, I began to regret it with every step I took. I looked over my shoulder and watched Beau's figure get smaller and smaller in the distance.

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