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A soft groan escapes your chapped lips as you flutter your eyes open. Your body aches. You slowly sit up on the bed. You look at the bruises your father made on your body.

Your heart feels heavy, you sigh as you stand on your feet, almost staggering. You walk to your closet and pick out a simple outfit, which is a light blue hoodie, a pair of black jeans and a pair of shoes. You go to the bathroom and shower. After your shower you come out and get ready for work.

You tie your hair into a messy pony tail as you apply a bit of concealer to hide the bruises on your face.

You slowly leave the house, making sure not to make a sound that might wake your father up. Slowly tip-toeing  down the staircase of your house, you step to the side so you don't step on the creaking part of it.

You walk to your workplace which is a café nearby. You open the doors to the café, the bell on the door makes a sound as you did. You walk to the back and put your apron on, getting ready for work. The workers there hate you, they can't stand you. But you don't let them get to you, you need the money so you're forced to work there.

You stand in the back of the counter and start taking peoples orders.

"Hello sir, how may I help you?" You smile at the customer.

"I'll have a vanilla shake with a slice of apple pie." He says, looking at the menu displayed on the screen behind you. You smile and nod. "Sure sir." You get the order ready. "Will you have it here or will you take it with you?" You ask. "Takeaway." He says, his eyes looking at you as you work.

You nod and start getting it ready. He pays the money and takes the bag. "Please come again, Sir." you fake a smile at him. He smiles at you. "I sure will." He smirks and leaves. You feel a wave of relief wash upon you and you sigh.

The rest of the day goes, you're tired. Drained actually, you haven't had anything to eat or drink all day.

You leave the café, bidding your boss goodbye as you leave the building.

The cold air hits your warm skin, you shiver a bit. You hug yourself as you walk down the dark cold street. You don't want to go home, or the place you once called home.

You feel dizzy and weak but you manage to walk. Once you reach your house you open the door quietly, hoping that if your father is home he won't hear you. You close the door without a sound and you walk up the stairs slowly.

Once you reach you're in your room you decide to take a shower. You take out a pair of sweats and a T-shirt and head to the bathroom.

You wash your hair with your vanilla scented shampoo, scrubbing your scalp as you do so to take any dirt out. Once you're done with your shower you change and go to bed. But, you can't sleep. You're hungry, but also scared. You tell yourself that you will get something to eat tomorrow.

You slowly go to sleep, hoping that tomorrow will be a better day.


"Jungkook ah." Jimin calls, Jungkook, who is sitting on his seat, a drink in his hand, but instead of drinking it he merely swirls it around in the glass as he watches the brown liquid swirl around.

"Jungkook!" Jimin calls loudly. Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Jimin.

"What?" He asks, finally taking a sip of his drink. "Are you okay?" Jimin asks, Jungkook looks at him with a raised brow.

"I'm fine, why are you asking?" He leans back.

"Oh I don't know, probably because we've been talking to you, but you haven't been paying attention because you're spacing out." Jimin glares at the younger. Jungkook rolls his eyes, drinking his drink in one gulp before he sets the glass on the table and standing up.

"Where are you going?" Taehyung asks, looking at the younger whose adjusting his watch.

"Somewhere." He answers coldly before walking away. Jimin and Taehyung exchange glaces and shake their heads.

"Its probably his father." Taehyung says, taking a sip of his drink. Jimin nods. "Probably." Jimin says.

But really, it was a girl. A girl who caught his attention earlier that day.


Jungkook was driving down the street to get to work. The light turned green, signally the drivers to stop driving so people who want to cross can cross.

He waits patiently, he glances around until someone gets his attention. A girl, wearing a light blue hoodie. A messy pony tail. Her face looks so innocent, so pure. He notices a mark on her lip, he also noticed that she tried to cover it up but failed to do so. He watches the girl walk pass, looking at the ground as she did.

Who was she? And more importantly why was he interested in her?

The signal goes green, drivers start driving but Jungkook stays, looking at the girl who walks into a café. The driver behind him honks at him, that's when Jungkook is awaken from his trance and starts driving again.

But he couldn't get her out of his head. He wants to know who she is.


Jungkook stands outside of his car, leaning on it as he stares at the sky. He still couldn't get this mystery girl out of his head which actually frustrated him.

"Tomorrow." He says to himself as he stares at the stars. Tomorrow, he'll find out who she is.


I was listening to Jon Bellion while editing
Does anyone know who he is?
If not, check him out. He's great! :)

Mr Perverted Cold Billionaire >>J.JK√ [Editing.]Where stories live. Discover now