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Morning arrives, you're awaken by the blinding sunlight. You open your eyes slowly, you feel sore. You try to move but you can't, for two reasons.

1) You're sore asf
2) You have an arm around your waist holding you in place.

You turn around only to see a sleeping Jungkook. Your heart skips a beat. Memories from last night come back and you blush immensely.

He took your virginity. You had sex with Jungkook. You don't know how to feel about this. Losing your virginity to a guy who claims you as his but doesn't know his feelings for you?

You continue to stare at his face, your eyes goes to his lips. His pink soft lips. You gulp. Jungkook suddenly brings you closer to him, earning a yelp from you. He buries his face into the crook of your neck. His breathing on your neck sends shivers down your spine.

You try to move, but you can't. His grip on you is tight. As if he doesn't want you to leave. And its true, he doesn't want you to leave. He wants you to stay.

Jungkook finally wakes up. He groans into your neck and you stiffen. He pulls back slowly and see's you next to him. He feels happy, to wake up next to you. To see your beautiful face first thing in the morning.

He stares at you and you look down at the bed sheets. Jungkook chuckles. He buries his face into your neck again, this time giving you butterfly kisses. You bite your lip in order to hold back your moans.

He pulls back and looks at you again.

"Morning." He greets. His voice is sleepy, and husky. And its a turn on.

"M- morning." You greet back shyly. Jungkook smirks. "Why so shy?" He asks. His face is inches away from yours.

"I- I'm not." You protest, but the tone of your voice and the blush on your face betrays you.

"Mmm." He hums as his lips ghost over yours. You were hoping he kissed you, but he didn't.

"Tell me what you want." His voice is low and husky. You hesitate.

"Tell me." He tugs on your waist which brings you closer to him. "Kiss me." You manage to say, your cheeks heating up. Jungkook wastes no time in capturing your lips in his. He pushes you against the bed so you're lying on your back as he hovers above you. He kisses you roughly. One hand resting on your waist as the other props him up so he doesn't smash you with his weight.

He pulls back and looks at you. Panting, a string of saliva running down the side of your mouth. Cheeks stained crimson. He's turned on, and he can't help himself. He slides in causing you to gasp. He grunts against your ear as he starts to move, but not too rough, hard or fast. Knowing that you're probably sore from last night.

Your hands find its way to his back. Leaving scratch marks as you drag your nails across his back.

Jungkook groans in pleasure as his cock rests deep inside you. The both of you orgasm, Jungkook carefully pulls out. Soft panting is audible, Jungkook presses a kiss on your forehead.

"Let's shower." He smirks and you blush, but you can't refuse. You're sore and you can't move by yourself.

He feels guilty though. He needs to tell you, he needs to tell you that perhaps his secretary is pregnant with his child.

But he wants to wait. He wants to know whether the child is his or not. And if its not, then Aimee is going to pay.

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BTW, its 8:49 AM here, and I start my morning by writing something like this.


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