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*Just becuz I felt like writing smut...its 3:54 AM here.😐💔😂*

The door to Jungkook's bedroom flies open and Jungkook drags you in, he stops in front of the bed.

"When I come back I want you naked, laying down." His voice is low and dominate. You gulp, your body slightly shaking.

"Is that understood?" He asks and you nod.

"Good." Jungkook leaves the room. You begin to remove all of your clothes, not wanting to disobey, afraid that Jungkook might make your punishment worse.

You lay down on the bed, fully naked. You take a deep breath and stare at the designed ceiling.

You hear footsteps enter the room, Jungkook's scent fills your nose. You gulp and your breathing becomes uneven as you avert your eyes from the ceiling to Jungkook who has a black suit case in his hand. He smirks and walks to you.

Placing the suitcase on the bed, Jungkook hovers above you. His eyes darkening with pure lust and hints of anger. Jungkook grabs your knees and spreads your legs apart, you gasp. Jungkook stares at your wet core with hungry and lustful eyes, making you feel a bit uneasy.

"If you don't follow the rules I'm about to set, then your punishment only gets worse." He says looking at you. You gulp. You don't want your punishment to get worse, but at the same time you do. You slowly nod.

"Let's get started then, shall we?" He asks and chuckles with a smirk.

"Rule number 1, obey me at all times. Number 2, don't you dare make a sound. 3, take what you get like a good girl."
You slowly nod.

Jungkook opens the suitcase and you see him take out a blindfold, some rope and a gag. Your heart is beating out of your chest and you grow even more nervous than before.

Jungkook ties the blindfold over your eyes, you can't see. You're scared and excited. You then feel your hands being tied to the headboard.

"Open your pretty little mouth for daddy." Jungkook orders and you open your mouth. Jungkook then gags you.

Your breathing is still uneven, you can't see and you can't move your arms due to them being restrained to the headboard.

You yelp when you feel something hot drop onto your bare chest. You try to talk but you're gagged, making your words muffled.

You hear Jungkook chuckle. Then you feel it again, this time it drops onto your nipple. It hurts so much, and you love it.

But what was it?

Candle wax.

Jungkook holds the burning candle above your body, tilting it so the wax would fall onto your body. You squirm under Jungkook, the wax hardens on your body.

The burning sensation travels lower, now above your pussy. You gasp, soon getting spanked, making you yelp.

"What did i say about making noises? Tsk tsk, looks like I'll have to worsen your punishment." You stiffen, you feel your anxiety grow.

Then you feel something cold, hard and rubber like enter you. And it definitely was not Jungkook.

Jungkook turns the vibrator on high, you try your hardest to not moan, but its hard as the vibrator continues to hit against your spot.

"Mmm, fuck baby. You look so hot, I love it when I make a mess out of you." You hear Jungkook speak. You begin to squirm and move, but Jungkook holds you in place.

"Remember baby, you can't cum."

You try your hardest to not make sounds, but its so hard. Jungkook decides to make things harder for you. You feel his tongue on your core, gently nibbling on your clit. You can't, you can't do this. But you don't want your punishment to get any worse.

After a few more minutes your begin to sweat. The candle wax that's already hardened begins to peel off you. Your stomach hurts from not being able to release your high.

You begin to tug on the rope that's restraining you, it rubs against your skin making you wrist bruise and bleed.

Jungkook decides that it's enough, you had received your punishment.

"Cum." He demands and with that single word, you feel relief wash over you and cum hard with a loud muffled moan.

Jungkook removes the vibrator and you feel empty, but soon feeling full again as Jungkook slides into you making you moan. Jungkook moans softly around your wetness. He moves in and out of you, holding your hips to keep you steady.

Jungkook removes the ropes and kisses your sore wrists gentle, you slightly flinches as it stings a bit. He then removes the gag, a trail of saliva trailing down the side of your mouth. He also removes the blindfold, you slowly flutter your eyes open to see Jungkook's face close to yours.  Your heart jumps and kung look connects your lips.

He's not punishing you anymore, he's making love to you. Moving in and out of you in a rhythmically pace, he moves slowly, but hits deeper into you. You moan into the kiss.

Jungkook intertwines your fingers together with one hand while the other rests of your waist.

Soon the two of you reach your climaxes, your legs shaking as a euphoric wave rushes over you.

Jungkook slowly pulls out and settles himself next to you, both of you extremely tired. He wraps his arms around your waist, hugging you in a protective manner. A smile on your lips as sleep takes over you.

Mr Perverted Cold Billionaire >>J.JK√ [Editing.]Where stories live. Discover now