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Jungkook drops you off at the mansion and heads to work. He's late by 4 hours, but he doesn't care. He owns the place.

As he walks in he's greeted by workers, he nods at them and walks to his office where he see's his personal assistant.


"Good morning Mr Jeon." She greets him seductively, her skirt is short, too short. A few of her shirt buttons is unbuttoned showing her cleavage. Jungkook smirks and walks to her, caging her against the glass table as he cages her.

He presses his body against hers and she let's out a moan. Jungkook scoffs, woman are too easy to seduce. He breaths on her neck and leans forward a bit. She's expecting for him to mark her, but instead he backs away leaving her sexually frustrated. He walks around the table and sits in his black leather chair. She looks at him annoyed.

"Get me my files for today." He says in a cold tone. She nods and does so. But she didn't want to. She leaves the office almost stomping out. Jungkook scoffs as he shakes his head in disgust. She smelt like really strong head aching perfume and he hated it.

Aimee was one of Jungkook's one night stands. But Aimee clearly wanted more, so every time she'd dress in skimpy outfits just to try and get his attention, but Jungkook was no fool.

Aimee returns with the files and leaves it on Jungkook's table.

"Anything else Mr Jeon?" she asks with a flirtatious voice.

"Yes, get out of my office and use something more appropriate." He says coldly without looking at her. Her heart falls to her stomach and she turns around and walks out, absolutely pissed and angry.

After half an hour of Jungkook going through some paperwork, he stops and leans back on his chair. He opens the right drawer in his table and pulls out a file. Your file.

He takes your picture and looks at it. He smiles at the picture, thinking about this morning. The kiss.

He continues to stare at the picture, he doesn't even know that someone entered his office and is staring at him.

"Is the Mr Jeon Jungkook smiling?" The person asks completely shocked. Jungkook wakes up from his trance and looks at the door. He quickly puts the picture away and straightens his posture.

"Ever heard of knocking?" Jungkook asks as he stares at the man.

"Hmm, nope." The man walks forward and sits down. "Why did you call me here?" He asks.

"Uhh..." Jungkook doesn't know how to start.

"okaysoImetagirlandIsavedherfromgettingrapedbyher fatherandnowibroughtbacktothemansionsandinthe morningshesaidshewantstoleavebecauseshedidntwantto beabotherandthenisaidnoandtoldshe'sminethenIkissedher."

( "okay so, I met a girl and I saved her from getting raped by her father and now i brought back to the mansions and in the morning she said she wants to leave because she didnt want to be a bother and then i said no and told she's mine then I kissed her." )

Jungkook says faster than flash. He stops and takes a breather.

The man looks at him completely confused. Jungkook sighs and plops back onto his seat.

"Okay so what I got is that you saved a girl from getting raped by her father, took her in, and when she Said she wanted to leave you said that she's yours and then you kissed her?" The guy asks.

Jungkook nods. "Please help me Jin." Jungkook looks at the black haired man.

"With what?" Jin asks. "Help me! Why don't I hate her!? Why!? Aren't all woman slut's!?" Jungkook shouts as he stands up harshly. Jin remains calm and looks at the angered man.

"Maybe because she's not like the rest of the woman you met Jungkook." Jin says. Jungkook walks to the window and looks out.

"I kissed her." Jungkook says staring out the window. "And, i felt weird." Jungkook confesses.

"What do you mean you felt weird?" Jin asks raising a brow.

"I...I felt my heart melt. My stomach felt fluttery like and ugh. I...I don't know." Jungkook hangs his head.

"How long have you known her?" Jin asks. "I met her 4 days ago, I saved her from a drunk that night. Haven't spoken to her in 3 days because of the company. I met her again last night at the park."

"Looks like someone is falling in love." Jin teases Jungkook looks at him. "No." He says coldly. "There's no such thing as love." Jungkook growls.

Jin sighs. "Fine, believe what you want. But from what I'm seeing. You're in love." He says as he stands up. Jungkook chews on his inner lip and stares at the man.

"See you around Jungkook." Jin says walking away. Jungkook remains silent.

Is he falling in love with you?

Mr Perverted Cold Billionaire >>J.JK√ [Editing.]Where stories live. Discover now