16.9K 623 104

Its been one day since you're missing. Jungkook hasn't slept or ate. He hasn't even gone into his room, because it reminds him of you.

The police are still searching for you, but nothing.

"Jungkook," Jimin enters the guest room that Jungkook is in. Jungkook's eyes are still glued outside the window where he's standing.

"Jungkook, its important. There's someone here claiming to know where Y/n is."

This made Jungkook snap his head to Jimin's direction.

"Where is he?"


"What are you doing here Shiro." Jungkook asks through gritted teeth.

Shiro sighs.

"Look Jungkook, I know where Y/n is." Shiro says, Jungkook catches Shiro by the collar of his shirt.

"Don't fuck around with me Shiro, I will kill you." Jungkook warns.

"I'm not fucking around Jungkook." Shiro is serious.

"Yeah? Mind telling us how you know where Y/n is?" Namjoon questions.

"Aimee." Shiro says. "I've been working with her and I helped her plan this out. The only reason as to why i did this is because she was carrying my child. She told me that after the child is born, she'd give it to me. Only if I helped her get Jungkook. I agreed, then this morning i found out that she had an abortion." Shirt explains, some of the members are softening, but Jungkook's staying the same.

"Where is she?" Jungkook asks, letting go of Shiro's collar.

Shiro adjusts his shirt.

"At this abandoned factory."

"How do we know you're not lying to us?" Hoseok question's.

"Look, I hate Jungkook and all, but I'm not lying. So you guys better act quick because Aimee plans on killing Y/n."

Jungkook's about to walk pass Shiro when Shiro stops him.

"Be careful, Aimee is mentally unstable. Act smart." Shiro warns.

"Take us to the building." Namjoon speaks up, Shiro nods.

"Let's go."


"Wakey, wakey." you hear her voice. You slowly open your eyes, your face bruised. Blood dripping from the side of your mouth.

"Let m- me go." You say, your eyes half closed. She's tortured so much in a matter of one day, she's beaten you, cut through your skin, applied lemon to the wounds.

She begins laughing.

"You wish." She says.

"Mmm, what should we do today?" She does a thinking pose, you look at her with fear in your eyes. But you're strong. You won't let her see it.

You begin laughing.

She looks at with furrowed eyebrows.

"What's so funny." She asks, growing angry.

"Do you honestly think Jungkook would love you after you killed me? Do you honestly think he'd even want to look at your face?" You say, smirking at her.

"Guess what sweety, you are so wrong." You glare. She grows furious.

"Jungkook will love me and only me!" She takes a knife and stabs you in your stomach. You gasp out in pain, your blood oozes out of your stomach and Aimee smirks.

"Put your hands in the air!" You hear, Aimee turns around with wide eyes, she drops the knife onto the floor and true to run. Your vision gets blurry.

"Y/n!" You hear a familiar voice.


You slowly open your eyes, you see Jungkook removing the chains with a worried look on his face. As soon as the chains are off you fall into his arms.

"Y/n!" Jungkook catches you, falling onto his knees with you in his arms.

"J- Jungkook." You cough out blood.

"Y/n, baby stay with me." Jungkook holds you tightly close to him.

"J- Jungkook," you smile. For the first time you saw Jungkook cry, his eyes are teary and red. 

"Baby, I'm here. Stay with me okay." He kisses your forehead.


"I...love...you..." Were the last words you sat before your eyes close and everything turns black.


Mr Perverted Cold Billionaire >>J.JK√ [Editing.]Where stories live. Discover now